March 22, 2020
You’re here looking for ideas for kids at home! I’ve got you. Help for parents looking for fresh ideas when kids are home from school. Check out some fun, and share the love. Let’s have a great summer together!

Still at it, friends? I have heard about some of the challenges. I’m sorry. They range from boredom to sickness, with everything in between.
If you’re looking for ideas, I hope this is helpful.
Remember my earlier post on things to do, including videos? Click HERE to view those ideas.
And my first three snack ideas are HERE.
I’m trying for 10 more things. Just look, and see if there’s something new you can use.

1. Buy something.
The Amazon Prime trucks are going by all day. And, great news:
AMAZON is discounting toys, games, puzzles, etc. Thanks, Amazon! Take a look.

2. Find something new to watch.
How about a new music collection? Check out Laurie Berkner’s video, “Waiting For the Elevator.” She and her band have a lot of cute songs, some classic, some original.
If you’re wanting exercise, try KooKooKangaroo or GoNoodle. (And you don’t have to sit this out — it’s good for us, too!)
And get ready to hear these songs endlessly.
3. Color.
Get out the colored pencils, washable markers, crayons, and a variety of paper. It’s good quiet time, and can be universally calming to get your brain working on some creativity. Make a card for someone, or just doodle a whole page of your favorite things. Practice writing words with different tools and techniques.
4. Clean windows.
I know. We don’t do windows! But for little ones this can be fun. I use a foam window cleaner and they love it. (It’s not cheating if they actually enjoy it!)
5. Play a game.
Try Sneaky Snacky Squirrel. Not complicated to learn, sturdy game pieces, and a lot of fun.

6. Learn or perfect a skill.
Start learning to tie shoes. There’s a really great instructional toy for shoe tying.
Or work on handwriting. These may not be popular with the kids, but you definitely have time to do it!
7. Do something in an unusual place.
Maybe it’s time to play in the swingset tower. Army lookouts? Secret snack time? Got any trees you can climb? Or a shady place in the yard?
I hate to admit this to you, but we actually got into the back of the pickup truck one day and watched a few videos. (Next time I will remember to tell the rest of the family where we are.)
8. Listen to a story online.
What?? Sometimes if you aren’t able to read aloud (sick, laryngitis, etc.) try listening to “The Goodnight Train” read by Brad Mendelson. All the sound effects are included.
9. Who doesn’t need a cuddle toy?
Maybe a little extra comfort from a n ew friend? Please tell me you know about Squishmallows. The pillow-soft cuddle pets. For some reason, the children love them.
10. Snuggles, schedules, and separation.
It’s hard for all of us, dealing with sickness, a little fear, and just being on “tilt” with a new schedule and no definite plan.
Give extra snuggles.
It’s not just about ideas for Coronavirus self quarantine. It’s about ideas for always.
Try to have a few activities up your sleeve throughout the day, and give them a heads-up about what’s coming.
And give everyone some down time, including yourself. I’m not talking about a beach trip.
Just a shower or a quiet cup of coffee.
You know our days and our moments — both past and present.
You know the reason for our circumstances.
We know that your power is greater than anything we can imagine.
May we humble ourselves before you, and call on your name.
Thanks for being here. I hope you get a few minutes to yourself today.

It means a lot to me, your coming back to see what’s new. Please comment, or e-mail me, and let me know how you’re handling this strange new season.
I have a few other posts about things you can do at home during this season.
Thank you! At GFP company is always welcome!
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Are you on Pinterest? That is a crazy fun place! You can find so many helpful things. Take a look at what I’ve saved for you! A lot of things that never make it to the blog. Here are my Pinterest pins, and I also have categories/boards if you’re looking for something specific.

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I’m Grammye, and I’m collecting and sharing ideas that can help you embrace the life you have.
When things are difficult, come here to refresh and relax. We’ll have coffee and talk.

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