February 26, 2021
Delicious cheesy recipes your family will love. Let’s be honest: The best part about low-carb eating is…the cheese! Come get 3 ideas for your next meal.

Delicious Cheesy Recipes, so good your taste buds will be happy for a week.
I’m linking you to recipes today, because they belong to others. I can’t take credit for inventing them, but I absolutely take credit for finding them.
Some have great variations, so I’m giving an extra link for those choices as well.
Here you go, 3 delicious cheesy recipes:
Hasselback Chicken
If you’ve done hasselback potatoes, you know that impressive presentation: sliced thinly but not completely through.
I’ve made both potatoes and chicken.
The best tip for the prep was using a pair of wooden spoons. Place them on your cutting board parallel, a few inches apart. Put the chicken breast (or the potato) between them, and cut slices along the entire breast. The two spoons will prevent your knife from reaching the board, so the slices won’t go through the entire piece. Just about 3/4 of the way down.
This chicken is special, both in appearance and taste. It’s absolutely a repeater at our house.
The first picture above (with link) is to Cooking TV’s Jalapeno Popper Hasselback Chicken. That’s the skillet of chicken with heavy cream.
The second is to Wholesome Yum’s Keto Jalapeno Popper Hasselback Chicken. More bacony, less cheesy/creamy. All goody.
And next, something so surprisingly good I can’t believe it.
Cabbage Gratin
If you didn’t see the picture, you might not look twice at the recipe. There is no way to describe the taste of this dish. It is beyond delicious. The recipe is Cabbage Gratin from Bon Apetit.
The first picture above is theirs, the second is mine.
I’ll share this: The first mention and the first cooking stage got a nose wrinkle from GrandDaddy. But at the table, all that was forgotten.
And speaking of things you wouldn’t expect to be so good, look at this.
Keto Cauliflower Bake
Y’all, we can have as much as we want. This is called The Best Keto Cauliflower Bake from My Keto Kitchen.
Here’s what I’ve found with cooking cauliflower. Overcooked it can develop an odor, like overcooked broccoli. Or worse. 😖
But undercooked it may be more firm than you need.
So check it as you cook, and when it’s as tender as you need, stop cooking, Goldilocks!
If anyone wrinkles their nose, just smile and kiss them. Then finish your cooking.
And if you make this before I do, please tell me about it!
Wow, 3 delicious cheese recipes you will love, comfort food during the cold winter months. In Georgia we usually have said January and February. After 1993 we respectfully added March to that list. And “blizzard” was no longer a distant storybook word.
🤔 Now, don’t start asking me if you can freeze these or bake ahead, or what the nutrition adjustments are, or anything like that. These cooks have included lots of information, those gorgeous photographs, and lots of hints and tips. Plus more recipes. If you love these, please let them know!
The reminder: I’m not a food blogger. I’m barely a blogger at all.
I’m actually an eater, and that’s what I talk about the most. If I’m not careful, it’s what I do the most.
( 😏 Buuuut, since we’re just talking on the porch… it seems like almost anything could be put in a sealed freezer bag and frozen for a short amount of time. Even a “fail” on that isn’t deadly. It just may look kinda gross, or doesn’t taste very good.)
If you’re loving delicious cheesy recipes (I’m always on the hunt!), you may be interested in some of my low-carb recipes. It’s pretty basic, but when we’re eating keto it’s a plan I can stick to.
Did you make this? How was it?
If you want more recipes, check out my collection.
You may also want to look at some of the product recommendations for cooking.
Or the thing I love, my Blackstone Griddle. Looks like BJ’s is stocked up on these again!
Thank you! Having you stop by GFP is so exciting to me. Your visit reminds me to connect.
To spend time with people, slow down, and share. All those things we think we’re too busy to do.
If you liked this topic, feel free to share on Facebook or Pinterest, or send a link to a friend. Are you on Pinterest? You can find so many helpful things there. Take a look at what I’ve saved for you! Including recipes! A lot of things that never make it to the blog. Here are my Pinterest pins, and I also have lots of categories/boards if you’re looking for something specific.

Yummy. Make your food, enjoy your supper, and let’s try to make that supper table the happy ending to every day. The place where you’re loved and you get to hear all the good stories of the day.
This week’s tip, because we talked about jalapenos, is this.
Purchase a box of disposable gloves to keep near your kitchen. You’ll be amazed how often you’ll use them, once you have them handy.
- Wear them to chop hot peppers, then throw them away.
- Handle raw meat like chicken or bacon with these on, to make cleanup easier.
- Protect your hands from strong cleansers.
- Put them on to dress a wound.
You’ll think of more! 😃
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