June 1, 2023
Fun and easy ideas for summer backyard dining! Summer is almost here — you can move your whole family outside and really relax together while enjoying nature.

5 Fun and Easy Ideas for Summer Backyard Dining
Maybe you think having a seating area or a place to grill is too expensive for you.
After all, we’ve seen those fancy outdoor kitchens that accompany the pretty pool, right?
Well, you don’t have to put in a pool or an outdoor kitchen.
Here’s what you need:
- Some comfortable chairs
- A table
- An outdoor speaker
- Plastic dishes
- Pretty flowers.
- A grill.
(Hey! That’s six ideas! And there are more!)
That’s enough to have fun together. These items can make it feel like a party even when it’s not.
There are more things you can do, but none of these are essential.
They are all just suggestions. Because…
A Home Is What A Mama Makes It.
You know it’s true. It doesn’t matter how big or small the place is, Mama is the one who makes it home.
For indoor and outdoor activities, Mama is the one who adds the extra touches. The games and traditions, the fun food ideas, and the setting.
And Dad, your wife and kids love it when you say, “I want to be doing something with you right now.” They love it when you really turn off the rest of the world and throw a baseball or frisbee with them.
They love it when you grill supper while they watch.
Here’s the thing:
We get in our habits of TV shows, recliners, computers and phones. We all do it. It takes a change to create that different atmosphere.
But when you do — you’re physically and emotionally invested in the moment, making eye contact, touching, working together, talking.
So when we talk about products in a second, let your mind wander a bit and imagine your family finding some relaxing together time outdoors. That’s the whole point of sharing 5 fun and easy ideas for summer backyard dining.

Products can be luxurious and expensive, or simple and affordable. Sure, the outdoor kitchen and in-ground pool make for fun times.
I’d love to have them.
But I’ll tell you that a sprinkler and a popsicle can be a really fun day for little ones.
The presence of the family relaxing and laughing together, music, and having a few pretty things — these are what you’re after.
What’s your Budget? For the Fun Easy Summer Backyard Dining?
It doesn’t have to be huge.
The hard thing to remember is that it’s more about the fun than the items.
Some of our best times have been eating ice cream on the front porch and watching traffic go by.
Once after a heavy rain, I sent those grandboys outside with measuring sticks to find the deepest mud puddle. (They did.)
What is it about boys and mud? It was my sister who reminded me it just has to happen. I’ve actually let them get totally in it a few times. Then I brought a bottle of baby shampoo outside, poured it on their heads, and hosed them off as they scrubbed.
When they ride bikes up and down the driveway, sometimes we turn on a favorite songs playlist and use a speaker to amplify the music. It’s almost like being at the skating rink in the 70’s. You know what I’m talking about.
Our little grandgirl is old enough to really enjoy our outdoor toys and swingset now. Those things are the highlight of her visits.
These fun times cost us almost nothing.
And if someone drips a popsicle on the plastic kids’ picnic table that was purchased at a yard sale, we know we can just hose it off.
Speaking of the hose, we’ve actually used bungee cords to tie the hose to an outdoor post, and let the spray attachment serve as our sprinkler. (Yeah, we did.)
And when they were smaller, the inflatable pool from Walmart was great fun. (And quite affordable in the wintertime on the clearance shelf. )
If you never do more than these things, you’ve created some simple outdoor fun, and planted memories that will be enjoyed for years to come.
The Fun Easy Backyard Dining Essentials, on a Budget
Chairs like this last for years. We love ours. Getting 4 chairs would set you back about $100. The small speaker costs about $20. It’s rechargeable and powerful. The small side table is about $20 and holds drinks and other items easily.
Plastic dishes make it festive. Ours have lasted for years. Sure, you have to wash them, and I do it by hand. Paper plates are easier. But when those dishes come out in the summer, people identify them with fun times. The set in the picture is about $25.
The plastic barrel planter is only $10. You’ll have to buy some dirt and flowers, but they really won’t cost you too much.
The portable grill is around $60.
If anyone’s counting, we’re up to about $250 so far, if you buy everything I’ve named.
(But we already said you don’t have to, right?)
That would get you a basic outdoor eating area.
Here’s the thing: You really do need a place to sit and relax. For us, that was the big thing. Spreading out a big blanket for a picnic is fun for children, but the old folks (us) appreciate even simple seating that isn’t on the ground.
Those chairs will look pretty good on your summer lawn. And you’ll find they’re surprisingly comfortable.
They are easily moved around, depending on what’s going on. Stack them and store out of the weather when you need to.
If I only got the chairs, I’d be happy to carry my paper plate outdoors from the kitchen and enjoy the evening under the sky.
We use ours all the time. We set them up on the driveway in the afternoon shade. We put them near the swingset to keep an eye on the antics there.
I’d say the seating would be the first place to plan.
But what if you want to look ahead, and plan for how to slowly build up your outdoor living space? You sure don’t have to do it all at once.
More Ideas?
Did I mention shade? Of course a big oak tree is perfect, but not everyone has one of those. Over the years we’ve really scouted out the shade spots in our yard throughout the day.
Just watching the shadows may surprise you, how much shade you actually have in different areas.
And of course if you’re ambitious, you can buy or build some kind of pergola or tent.
If you’re setting this up on a porch or patio, even if it’s small, consider a rug. My porch rug cost about $40 and has lasted for several years now. It feels like a regular rug but is made totally from plastic. A shop vac or hose will clean it up easily.
And if you’re really wanting more in a grill than the small portable, just ask me about the Blackstone Griddle. I’ve got a whole post about it. It will set you back, for sure, because they think a lot of those. But it has been such a fun way to prepare food for our family.
Hose attachments (simple brass or adjustable) are practical, of course. Gotta water the flowers and wash the car, right? But remember: kids and water may be all you need for a party.
Bungee cords fix everything, right?
More Items for Summer Outdoor Fun:
You get a lot of mileage from a kids’ plastic outdoor table.
And the folding adult picnic table is super convenient. It cleans up easily, and folds flat for storage, all in one piece.
And finally, I wouldn’t be from Georgia if I didn’t mention fighting off mosquitos. Use your citronella candles to keep them away.
If you’ll be using the inflatable pool, be sure to stash those big towels by the door for when they are finished.
Do you have a fire pit? We don’t. I keep looking at them. It just seems like a winter thing, and our winters aren’t really long. They look so good, though! I imagine roasting hot dogs and marshmallows on a cool fall evening.
Then I imagine something else. Me tripping and falling into it because I seem to gravitate to disasters. Roasted Grammye. 😕 Maybe I should hold off on the fire pit.
Fun In Your Own Yard
You may think you just don’t have the space or the “things” to enjoy summer backyard dining. I hope this has given you some ways to set up something from nothing. That’s what we had to do.
Remember what we know: Mamas and Daddies make a home, and a party.
Memories, times together, all of us feeling loved and secure.
So figure out what works for your family, and create your own little mini makeover.

What’s your first move to make when you create or improve your own backyard?
When school is out, and kids are home, how will they spend their days? Share your comments and ideas if you want.
Making it something you look forward to 😄 is the way to avoid making it something you dread.
Just close your eyes and think about the beginning of Summer at Rydell High. (Movie: Grease). That’s it!

If you’d like to include flowers and plantings in your makeover, check out my topic on Container Gardens. I tried to include lots of info on types of plants. Those small gardening/flower projects are satisfying in a healthy way.
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