Refreshed April 5, 2024
What do moms want? I’ve got 5 ways to make Mother’s Day special. This just may help you plan a celebration or gift that gets it right!
No need for stress; Here’s to success.
What’s the secret?
The point often overlooked is the ongoing relationship. Today we get a deeper look into what moms want and need, and we can respond not just on Mother’s Day but every day.

Why “5” Ways to Make Mother’s Day Special?
Because you’ll need to remember these. Things moms need, things moms want. Good guidance for this holiday and the others!
It’s almost here again! Things happen quickly, moving through these big days:
- Time change (March 10) check
- First day of Spring (March 19) check
- Easter (March 31) check
- Mother’s Day! (May 12)
(It kinda makes you glad we don’t decorate or buy gifts for Time Change Sunday or The First Day Of Spring, right?)
Stressful? Or Special?
Seriously, some people get a little stressed about Mother’s Day. And there’s good reason to.
Do you feel it?
- Maybe you have several generations to celebrate. That’s tricky.
- Time is a huge factor for many of us.
- What if there’s distance, either physical or emotional.
- It’s possible you don’t have the budget to give the gift you’d like.
- Or you just don’t know what to do?
- Do any of these sound like you?
That sneaky stress works its way into everything, doesn’t it? Reminding you of time and budget, making you resent what happened yesterday so that you can’t enjoy today?
As a result, I’m trying to connect this upcoming celebration to my heart, and my intentions. Trying to get in a position to enjoy, to control stress, and to be loving.
Guess what? Today isn’t about 5 products I’m suggesting, though I do have a few product ideas.
Today is about something else:

5 Things Moms Want and Need
If you want to give the gift that pleases, if you want to enjoy that moment when you know you nailed it, you’ve gotta know what moms need.
And I’ve got news for you: I’ve had some real help recently, hearing from moms. A lot of that help gets shared today, and more can be shared some other time.
On some level we know that moms have needs. For some reason, though, we’re too busy getting mom to meet our needs to notice hers.
Today is about getting to that deeper level, the one that knows we can address Mom’s needs.
Accordingly, the key isn’t the 5 ways. To make Mother’s Day Special, you need to make Mother feel special.
- What you read here may touch your heart, because you’re a mom and it’s your need.
- But it may also surprise you, finding out what she needs.
And certainly this doesn’t capture all the needs of all the moms in the whole universe.
It’s just a good snapshot of moms in general and what they’d love to receive from you.
Let’s get started!

Number 1: Moms Need Time Alone.
This could be the biggest need of busy moms. Often the central hub of the family and home, moms move from one task to the next seamlessly, but everything they do is interactive.
For the record, that means someone else is there.
Young children are delightful 24 hours a day. Marriage needs daily investment to be nurtured. Maintaining a home is hard work that never ends. Jobs are good security right now, and we don’t want to lose them.
When does mom get time to think? Or read her Bible? Or sew, nap, take a long bath, or whatever she’d do alone?
Moms need time alone.
Number 2: Moms Need Help
Moms can be stressed. Did I just say can be? They ARE stressed.
When’s the last time she said “Wow, everything’s done! I think I’ll rest.”
No, it doesn’t happen.
Because everything is never done.
Overwhelmed with housework, laundry, yard work, job work, child care, meal planning, errands, unexpected needs, and the list goes on.
What kind of help does she need? Well, there are two great kinds of help.
- Either things that make tasks easier,
- or less tasks to do!
Moms need help.
Number 3: Moms Need Company
Especially moms who are alone. Especially widows. Not frantic mall-hopping company, just a quiet visit, interesting conversation.
Quality time with someone who isn’t rushed or brusque.
Older live-alone moms spend a lot of effort filling the hours. Sometimes evenings are difficult, as the loneliness grows bigger when the sun goes down.
Moms need company.
Number 4: Moms Need Kindness
What areas of motherhood haven’t been attacked in the last decade?
Every single parenting issue is hotly debated, polarized, and unyielding.
Motherhood often feels like a public experiment with little in the way of affirming results. Moms feel judged and uncertain.
What’s she doing right? And who tells her?
Moms need a safe community for enrichment and encouragement. Grace. Support. Kindness.
Moms need kindness.
Number 5: Moms Need To Be Romanced
Everybody know how easy it is for the days to be frantic. (Until you collapse in front of the television after dark.)
Often your days are routine repetitions of tasks and schedules and rituals.
Dads, there’s a secret a friend told me many years ago. When you know this secret, everything changes.
Here’s the secret:
“If you husband loves you,
you can do anything.”
It sounds like just an expression. But it’s not. It’s an amazing fact.
Don’t worry — I’m not going to get embarrassing. Just saying, moms are women, and dads are men, and, well…
Seriously, guys, walk by her and whisper something sweet in her ear. Even if she’s washing corn or cleaning the microwave.
No one loves your wife like you do. No man should ever touch your wife’s neck, or place his hand on her arm, or whisper in her ear. Except you. You should.
🤭 Eeek. I just made myself blush.
Moms need to be romanced.

5 Ways To Make Mother’s Day Special:
NOT (AKA The Naughty List)
All those needs may have your wheels turning. And that’s good.
But there are some gifts that should not make the list.
If these ideas come up, I’ll save you now. Don’t do it.
- A mop and a bucket.
- Any cleaning appliance.
- Wilted flowers.
- Cheap candy.
I’m not picking on you, just saying these kinds of things have a tendency to go south.
If she has absolutely expressed a wish for something, that’s an exception.
For instance, if she is begging for the pink KitchenAid mixer, and has her heart set on it, then by all means get it. She will be delighted.
But otherwise any “cleaning device” or “household need” should simply be an item added to the budget, and not connected to Mother’s Day.
Try hard to give something sentimental, beautiful, affectionate, and lasting.
That’s a tall order.
But this is true: She deserves it. And this day is a reminder to say, “You’re worthy.”

Suggestions for Mother’s Day Gifts
It wouldn’t be nice to leave you without ideas, after stressing you out about the needs.
We’ve named Time, Help, Company, Kindness, and Romance.
I’ve probably said more than enough on romance.
Let’s look at a few ideas.
If you’re a grown-up:
Maybe you want to take your wife or your mom out for a nice meal. You’ll know how to make it nice for the whole family and a treat for her.
(If you want to do that for your wife and your mom, you probably can work that out.)
If you want to arrange one-on-one time with your older mom, bring a movie to watch and a snack she loves. Or just show up for your visit with a plate of her favorite cookies.
You could give mom a great book, or a puzzle, and time to enjoy it.
A gift certificate for a massage or pedicure may be something she’s dreaming of.
Even a spa basket with luxurious products could be a treasure.
For the young ones:
It’s fine for young children to pick out a cute stretchy bracelet at the dollar store and gather a handful of dandelions.
Older children can write notes of affection for mom and maybe help select a gift for her from a store she likes.
Making your gift count…
Adults can write notes, too. It’s amazing how meaningful this can be.
In fact, this is a great time to consider The 5 Love Languages and how that kind of thinking fits in to your celebration.
Let me share a few resources, some places to look for more gift ideas, and I’ve even got a story.
Go Ahead And Make A Plan.
There’s actually enough time to get started now and plan something really special.
How can you bring joy to Mom?

Are your wheels turning on how to make Mother’s Day special?
And did you find the 5 needs of mothers interesting?
If so, there are some really insightful topics on the hearts of our moms.
Look at this article by Katie Wells, at Wellness Mama, What Moms Need Most Today. She says it so well, the challenges moms are facing.
Also, at One Good Thing By Jillee, 11 Surprising Things Moms Secretly Want For Mother’s Day. Some really nice suggestions here!
I’ve written about mom guilt: Moms often feel overly guilty about mistakes, even very minor ones. Recognizing that truth can be helpful when it’s time to encourage Mom. She needs to hear what she’s doing right!
And sometimes, for way too many reasons to outline, Mother’s Day carries a sadness. If you want to know more about that, read What If You Don’t Like Mother’s Day.
All these are useful to read, not just for Mother’s Day. People need to be appreciated all year, not just one day.
Want to hear a story?
A looonnng time ago, when GrandDaddy and I got married, I let him know something. 👩❤️👨
(BTW, I didn’t call him GrandDaddy then.)
I told him very honestly that I just didn’t get all bent out of shape over anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, even birthdays. Don’t get me wrong — I like to celebrate. I just am not that “into” the flowers and candy.
Instead, I want him to be nice to me every day.
That sounds soooo easy when you’re engaged. He was delighted.
Until he lived it. 😩
I can tell you there were plenty of times he wished he had chosen Door Number Two, going with the ‘holiday-only affection package’ so he could get a break the other 360+ days of the year. 😂
But to his credit, he’s lived up to his promise, and we’re nice to each other every day. 🥰
(I did not say every minute.) 😉
And he has definitely found 5 ways to make Mother’s Day special, and many more, as well as every other day.
Moms, Dads,
people of all roles:
Be nice every day.
Why wouldn’t you?

Now, about gift-giving…
I’m making a confession here: I’m not the best gift giver. You’ve probably heard me say it before. In fact, that’s one reason for starting early.
I’ve got one sister who nails it every Mother’s Day. Her gift arrives first, and it’s always unique and useful.🎁
No matter how hard I think, I can never out-think her.
Given all these needs, and the fact we’ll be there more quickly than we think, let’s get covered up with ideas for gifts.
In fact, after reading today’s post if you’d like more ideas on gift giving, try reading my posts on Minimalist Christmas Gift Ideas (5 gift categories + links to 100 gift ideas) and Valentine’s Day Unusual Gift Ideas (24 gift ideas).
You can also check out my Easter and Spring posts if you want. Maybe those topics will get you excited about a seasonal gift.
And if you missed my crazy “Momclock” in Mom Has No Time, check it out.
I promised you 5 ways to make Mother’s Day special.
In addition to the 5 important “mom needs” to guide you, I’ll give you pretty pictures of twice that many gift suggestions.
Scroll on down for a few ideas.
Thank you! At GFP company is always welcome!
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Are you on Pinterest? That is a crazy fun place! You can find so many helpful things. Take a look at what I’ve saved for you! A lot of things that never make it to the blog. Here are my Pinterest pins, and I also have categories/boards if you’re looking for something specific.

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What’s the tip of the week?
Baskets. Seriously, baskets for everything. Whether it’s a wicker basket, a cloth basket, a plastic bin, a wooden tray, or something else.
When you give a gift, try to give it in a basket.
For some reason, collecting magazines in a box or bin or basket changes the appearance from “messy” to “belonging.” The same thing happens with your remote controls, cell phones, even extra rolls of toilet paper.
It works for cereal boxes, and things in the refrigerator. Try it for make-up and toiletries, cleaning supplies. From messy to belonging. Just like that.
This post may contain affiliate links. That’s a good thing. It means if you purchase a product I’ve highlighted, the seller may compensate me for that promotion. I love to share products that are a good value and make life easier. Those little commissions may add up, and can help to offset the cost of running the blog. Or maybe even create a little income. Click here to learn more about this.
Today’s images were configured in Canva, a free graphic design tool.
The amazingly cute family (Photographer: Gustavo Fring) and other pics were available through Pexels in Canva.
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Are you on Pinterest? That is a crazy fun place! You can find so many helpful things. Take a look at what I’ve saved for you! A lot of things that never make it to the blog. Here are my Pinterest pins, and I have lots of categories/boards if you’re looking for something specific.
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