June 12, 2020
Crayons, markers, paper supplies, coloring books! The collection grows and you need art supplies storage. This is your solution. Attractive, efficient, and affordable.
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Art Supplies Storage Solution
This piece of furniture has returned so much efficiency for a very small footprint. It’s sturdy and neat, and there are matching pieces.
Where did I get it? Walmart, of course!
Neatly Stored Away
All the collections of paper, all the different crayon boxes and markers, out of sight and yet easy to grab.
Magazine holders help sort coloring books and writing pads. Cloth bins fit neatly into cubes to hide supplies and make transport easy.

These cube bins are HUGE. Check out the photos here and the link below.
They hold a lot of stuff, and it’s completely hidden!
Although we had a specific purpose in mind, this storage unit would be useful in so many different settings. When you look at the different configurations that are displayed at Walmart, you see a lot of possibilities.

Yes, its a healthy obsession. (Especially after going to the Crayola Experience. Maybe we will talk about that in another post.)
I had to really decide about the magazine holders. I got the brightly colored ones. Somehow they just didn’t help with looking organized. I thought about replacing them with the holders pictured below. It looks like a great deal and so much nicer. I decided for now to cover them with contact paper.
And — about floor space — check out the measurement above. That’s to show you that if you can find a 15-inch by 15-inch square space on your floor, this unit will work hard for you. We tucked it into a (rare) empty corner next to a doorway.
You know what I’m going to say: vertical storage.
Walmart sells this exact thing, Better Homes and Gardens 5-Cube Storage Organizer.
And you need the bins to hide your stuff! Better Homes and Gardens Fabric Storage Bin.
This six-pack of holders looks like a great deal! Magazine holders at Walmart.

You. Thanks. You came here to find out something. I hope you did. Check out the blog archive page if you like. I’m glad to see you.
This is only one of my storage solutions, but it’s one of my favorites.
I’ve got some posts about toy storage you may find interesting, Toy Storage with Lack Tables, the Armoire Project, and Toy Storage with Bookshelves.
This cube storage system is available in different configurations. I have this one, which I absolutely love. It has pitched in wherever we needed it. I’ll tell you about it in another post.
Are you liking the storage solutions? Stick around! I’m going to share my entryway solutions soon.
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And check me out on Pinterest sometime. I love saving things for myself and for you.
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