Updated May 4, 2021
Best ways to honor teachers in 2021. Don’t worry — Resources are here!

I’m not a student’s parent or a student’s teacher. I’m just an observer. Just a Grammye.
But here we are with the school year end approaching, and there are still a LOT of restrictions on gatherings.
It’s possible some of us won’t see the parade of room moms and parents lugging in colorful gift baskets for teachers. There may not be picnics and parties and treat days.
At the beginning of every single school year, teachers begin new relationships that matter, investments in the lives of impressionable young people. It happens at what we just call “school”, but for them it’s the investment place.
We know they read. They read more than stories, though. They read expressions, and accomplishments, and body language.
And they give more than time. They give encouragement, and attention, and patience.
Teachers plan more than lessons. They plan activities and supplies and experiences, all while meeting an exact set of requirements set by authorities.
They develop friendships with parents, answer hard questions, and address serious situations.
And all along, they know they have less than a year to invest, and then it will be time to start over.
That’s how the school year looks to them.
Remember Last Year?
Without warning, the investment place was closed. Just closed. Suddenly these teachers had to put down everything and walk away, and use a computer screen to deliver the relationship.
They delivered, amidst complaints, questions, and criticism.
And they are still delivering.
It’s not what they signed up for, but it’s what they stepped up for.
Some have been able to return to the classroom. Others continue to deliver remotely.
How do we thank them?
Fortunately many schools provide lists for parents, even daily gift ideas, during Teacher Appreciation Week. That’s helpful.
Take a look at this list of idea resources. Start thinking about your options.
In your planning, please do not neglect the sincere personal note to your child’s teacher. If they helped you or someone else over a hurdle, if they brought your child through a difficult (or ordinary) learning season, please say it in words, something they can return to.
Please write the note. It’s always important, but maybe more so this year, since we’re still recovering. Kind of like our candles all went out right in the middle of the song.
You know I’m just nudging you to remember what we all want to do, don’t you? Make things better.
If you read this far, thank you. Please do give some careful thought to what you think is the best way to end the school year.
First, a huge list of ideas from PTO Today for Teacher Appreciation Week 2021.
And another from We Are Teachers, a really great collection of ideas.
If you already have something in mind, do it! And if not, please hop over to Christianbook or your favorite site and get that order placed now.

Thank you! At GFP company is always welcome!
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I’m Grammye, and I’m collecting and sharing ideas that can help you embrace the life you have.
When things are difficult, come here to refresh and relax. We’ll have coffee and talk.

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