Curling up with a good book. A rainy day, a quiet house. Sounds dreamy. Also sounds impossible. Who has time for that? Our hours and minutes are busy, demanding, even desperate.
But what if you invited reading back into your life?
What if you planned a few minutes to read before falling asleep? What if you took time to read to your children or grandchildren?
Here’s the big secret: You can. We may have slowed down on (or even stopped) reading to our children, but they haven’t stopped wanting or needing it.
And here’s the advice: You should.
Reading stimulates your brain in a particular way that viewing screens doesn’t.
It’s true for you, and it’s true for children.
It’s why I’m reviving my love for reading, and inviting you along.

Check out these books
written with you in mind!
Why Do We Have the Eggs? This book is my first endeavor, and it’s pretty special. Told through sweet animals, this story gives children a look at the good news of Easter.
Find out more (preview pages) here.
A Book for Easter

A great book for reading aloud to children, or perfect for early readers.
A Book for Christmas

A great book for reading aloud to children, or perfect for early readers.
Join me for another book, Why Do We Have the Manger?
A brief mention of prophecy, the birth of Jesus, and the meaning of it all. Told by loveable animals who ask great questions.
Find out more (preview pages) here.
A Book for Parents

An E-Book, in digital format, that will help you establish (or re-establish) your prayer life. It’s for grown-ups.
“Get Your Prayer Life Back” is available for purchase on Etsy and on Amazon, AND, it’s free to subscribers.
Recently I was encouraged to compile a past series of blog posts into a book. The prayer series here on the blog was delivered in six installments. Now those are all combined in one book, with some additional resources and information.
Find out more here.
Subscribe anytime, to have access to all the free resources here at GFP. You’ll get a welcome email with the secret handshake.
Join Tommy as he faces the challenges of leading a team of young baseball players. Adventure, friendship, and disappointment will draw you into summer days with boys who love the sport and its history. With a nod to the baseball greats we all remember, you’ll enjoy baseball facts you can smile at (or learn) along the way.
Find out more here when it’s ready.
A Book for Middle Grades

Thank you. For being here, for being interested, and for loving the healthy habit of reading.

There are a lot of good books out there for young readers. A lot. And also, 😑 lots of not-so-good-ones.
I’m trying to help by supplying faith-based books for your children. Healthy habit, healthy material.