February 10, 2020
UPDATED August 25, 2020
You are tired, discouraged, and sad. Discipline has become a four-letter word. Come find fresh hope with discipline, shaping little hearts.

Is this the worst word in the world among parents? Look online. Or ask anyone. You’ll see the ongoing debates about time out, time in, correction methods, spanking, and everything else.
And you’re exhausted. Overwhelmed. Helpless. How can such a little person bring you to your knees? Emotions are spilling over everywhere and making a mess, yours and theirs.
- You just need them to do what you ask.
- You just need them to be civil.
- You just need them to live in peace.
You’re here, reading what I have to say. I respect that and appreciate it more than you could know.
So first, let me say I don’t have all the answers. I’m a struggling learning person who is looking for real truth, real results, and real answers. Sometimes my circumstances get me in a tangle. Sometimes my solutions are not correct.
My “human-ness” keeps interfering with my dream self: that perfect woman who never has a cross word, who woos all the children she meets into obedience with just a beckoning smile, the one who never gets overwhelmed.
And I’m OLD, for goodness sake! I’m still beating myself up about parenting my own children, and now I have to add grandparenting mistakes to the mix.
You’re struggling.
And I’ve seen you. With my heart, I’ve seen you. The daily struggle of trying to get it right, feeling like every person sees your desperation. Parenting is so hard. Maybe you had great ideas about it, until you were there. Until you were going on never-enough sleep and endless needs before you.
Hear this: I got those looks. The frowning looks of the seasoned moms when one of my children had less than stellar behavior in public. I had the days when I was barely able to get dressed and out the door, taking little people to school with breakfast still on their faces.
Let’s start by acknowledging the struggle. It’s not just a walk in the park. If being a mother is so noble, so “shape-the-world” important, it can’t be that simple. It can’t be that easy. It’s hard. It takes every quality you can muster up. It takes intelligence and learning. This is not a job for the weak.
It is, however, a job for the tired. How could it not be?
If you’re struggling with behavior, I don’t have to tell you there are all kinds of information out there. Before you even recall what you’ve found, please take just a minute to go back to the beginning: What is the goal?
First, let’s separate the right ideas from the wrong ones. Do you ever realize you’ve gotten away from the original purpose? I do. A lot. Behavior-centered thinking gets bigger than heart-centered thinking.
Let’s look at some of the wrong ideas:
Three wrong ideas:
If we were in the circus (and some days we absolutely are!), we would be interested in entertaining a crowd, creating behaviors that visibly amused or pleased others.
What if we were in a race? We would be trying to finish as quickly as possible.
And thirdly, if we were bystanders, we would be observing others who step in and solve our problems with their solutions.
So if you’ve fallen into one of these ditches (visible behavior, efficiency, passiveness), today we can recognize that tendency. We will see how it keeps us from the right idea.
We are the ones
— the mothers —
who have
enormous influence
over the lives
of our children,
their hearts and futures
with our words,
our methods,
our ideas.
Discipline. Look at the right ideas.
In order to parent, we must know our own life goals, and return to those in every aspect of our parenting.
It’s not just a task for today; it’s an ongoing influence that lasts a lifetime.
And this brings me to the most important truth. That we have been claimed by a Savior who has secured our eternity. If you haven’t been thinking this way, please just pause long enough to ask yourself this: At the end of my life, of anyone’s life, what else matters if the future of heaven is not to be?
And that is important, because for any important thing, you have to know your goal. All your plans will support the goal. Your search for methods will be more focused, and your solutions will be more appropriate.
Back to a quick look at our wrong ideas for a second:
If you are simply interested in achieving behavior, there are plenty of ways to shape a person’s behavior.
Are you trying to finish quickly, wishing the days away?
And finally, consider whether you want others to be the influencers in your children’s lives, because they already surround you and are happy to take over.
This is where the road forks.
Our goals have to be so much more than these.
I want to be encouraging here, and never insulting.
I’m asking you to look deeper, to understand the “why” before you decide on the “how.”
Can you start your search with these better thoughts in mind? The thoughts about the ultimate goal?
I’ll give you a jump start:
Two amazing books that have helped me so much.
One is “Shepherding a Child’s Heart“, by Tedd Tripp.
The other is “Don’t Make Me Count to Three!” by Ginger Hubbard.
I need these. You need these.
Let me tell you why:
I need these people to help me.
I need the language, the “goal reset”, the methods. I need them all.
If you want to shape a heart that leads to the behavior you’re seeking, it’s a lot more involved than the punishment-and-reward system we have been led to trust.
It starts with an understanding in your own heart that shapes your own behavior.
That’s so important.
If you are seeking solutions, take on the task with determination.
I did something recently that took a lot of courage. I started a blog. This one right here. I knew nothing about the methods of blogging. Every step has been so painstakingly slow.
For months I devoted time to learning new skills, new facts, new methods. Each week had a different focus, and from November to February I simply learned. It was important to get knowledge, and then to actually begin. And as I start, a complete novice, there are seasoned bloggers who will probably give me the look.
Because every day I’m reminded of all the things I don’t know. It’s hard always playing catch-up.
You’ve got a story like this, too: A story about a challenge put before you, and the energy you found to take it on.
There is absolutely no comparison in relating this task of blogging to the importance of parenting.
But I said it for this reason:
I want you to have the courage to learn, to become smarter about parenting, to connect securely to your goals, and to begin new methods.
I’m a grandmother now, no longer “the one”, the mom, the visible “life-shaper”, feeling judged by the world. But you are. You’re “the one”.
I am, however, still challenged every single day. I’m learning, and finding that each task requires my attention and energy, and requires purpose.
And I remember every time I had that feeling, the one that said I’m failing, the voice that whispered I might not be capable.
Today, I want to silence that voice, and hand you the keys to the beginning of “better” and the beauty of discipline that has a purpose.
When your “tired self” says to your “inspired self” that there isn’t the time or energy, put your hands over your ears and go forward.
Later I will say more, and recommend more.
But for now, please at least read about these books.
Or if you’ve already overcome your “tired self” then let your “inspired self” make a purchase right now. You won’t be disappointed.
What will you find?
When you’re discouraged and fatigued, you’ll find yourself realizing that loving your children doesn’t have to be a burden.
You’ll find positive encouragement, solid reasons to shape the hearts of your children, and actionable ways to make changes.
And you’ll find joy in parenting, the joy you thought was lost.

For being the mom who cares enough to seek out solutions, I applaud you. When’s the last time you were applauded?
For being the mom who knows “being tired” inside and out, I embrace you. A virtual hug from a comrade.
For being the mom who feels left behind by all the perfect people, I invite you–
I invite you to real life with all its struggles and fails. I embrace you as a fellow journeyer. and I applaud you for your earnestness.

You. You’re here. Thanks for hearing me out.
I’ve got more posts on parenting, so come back.
If you liked this, you may also want to read Multigenerational Living or What Will I Leave Behind.
And remember today: Start something different. If you’re still hesitant, come back tomorrow and let me say this all to you again!
I’m Grammye, and I’m collecting and sharing ideas that can help you embrace the life you have.
When things are difficult, come here to refresh and relax. We’ll have coffee and talk.
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