December 1, 2021
The countdown begins! Only 24 shopping days until Christmas. Count your tablecloths and say your prayers because relatives are coming in soon.

Enjoying Christmas
Here we go, moms:
- Handing out those tiny chocolate candies from the Advent calendar one day at a time.
- Inventorying card tables and plates, assigning side dishes. Checking off gift lists. Hauling containers of decorations from the attic.
- Telling toddlers not to touch the ornaments.
- Reminding children that good behavior gets good presents.
- Searching Pinterest at 11 pm for an easy “elf” antic you can stage quickly.
When “Elf Yourself” gets the endless giggles no matter how many times you’ve seen it, you’re loving the joy of the season.
This isn’t a season where “self” gets a whole lot of press. But there is one thing you should do: Listen to yourself.
Listen To Yourself
Take care when you speak of the season, of your family, and your plans. This is an incredible season of witness, when the whole world celebrates the birth of Christ, even if they don’t know it.
I’m saying that to myself, really: that I need to make Jesus the Light of my face, the King of my thoughts, and the Lord of my heart.
When I do that, I tend to stop complaining, stop whining about what tasks are unfinished.
Will I really talk about Jesus this Christmas?
That’s my challenge — to myself and to you.
And with All The Things that go into our celebrations and our musings, this post has a roundup of several of the Christmas topics here at Grammye’s Front Porch. I hope something here will be of interest to you — either entertainment, or helpful information, or even inspiration.
Thanks for visiting. I love company. Come to the porch anytime. If it’s cold, I’ll give you a furry blanket to wrap up in, and I’ll give you a big mug of your favorite coffee to make it a real visit.
I know it’s virtual with us, but it means more to me than you know, that you came to visit.
I always get all emotional when I see babies at Christmas. Just thinking of God coming to us as a tiny helpless baby, trusting Mary to care for him, and poor Joseph tasked with keeping them safe.
What about you? How do you connect with Jesus at Christmas?

and she laid him in a manger
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Are you on Pinterest? That is a crazy fun place! You can find so many helpful things. Take a look at what I’ve saved for you! A lot of things that never make it to the blog. Here are my Pinterest pins, and I have lots of categories/boards if you’re looking for something specific.
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