October 20, 2020
(Updated September 2024)
Loving Autumn? Me, too. And officially in 2024, Fall begins on Sunday, September 22. So get ready for your celebration.

Always mixed feelings, right? When that summer sun shows up for less hours each day. But also, it’s actually refreshing to be outdoors — not hot, not cold, but (baby bear) just right.
Georgia is notorious for teasing us out of Summer, then sending us right back. We’ve got family pictures of Thanksgiving and Christmas over the years, and often we were wearing shorts and flip-flops outside!
We may get up in the morning and feel like bundling up, certain that cold weather has really arrived. But by suppertime we’re turning on the air conditioner!
Or we may get a shocking surprise in the form of an early snowfall. The fact is, if we get snow, it’s usually after the first of the new year.
But in Georgia, snow is still as rare as unicorns. Well, almost.
If you enjoy a little research, or just clarity about the first day of fall, or what the autumn equinox actually is (or the harvest moon), check out Autumnal Equinox 2024 from Almanac.com.
I’m doing something a little unusual with this post — using the space to gather up a few Fall ideas. Mostly recipes. And some random. So some of these pictures are links to another page here on the blog; it’s just a little quick way to view them all in one place here.
Suddenly I’m realizing that our Thanksgiving celebrations will be here before we know it.
Makes me think of how our gatherings have changed over the years. What we ate, where it happened, and who was there.
It reminds me that traditions evolve and I have to be nudged along even if I’m looking over my shoulder for how it used to be.
We can easily see that children find much comfort in traditions — even the most mundane things. Repeating our sayings and games with them gives them a sense of safety and grounding.
🤔 Are we that different?
“Father, I thank you for designing my days and my life. I thank you for the future you have planned for me. Amen.”
Holiday Jump Start
This time of year seems to trigger a little jump start, doesn’t it? Like you jump up to start something but you don’t really finish it?
I’m kidding. Kinda.
But it does happen, a time when we really feel like we need a jump start–when someone arrives to help us sort through the mess and get something finished.
Every day seems to keep murmurning to us that there’s so much to do, 😫 like we don’t know that!
But here’s a comfort: Haven’t you had that feeling before? And guess what: You’ll have it again. The things that stress us are often a lot less significant than the anxiety we express over them.
Take a deep breath, and quickly thank God for 5 things in your life. Maybe people or circumstances, recent events or blessings, or the promise of something to come. Like, really do it.
And then see if this is true:
It’s the strangest thing, that we almost forget that God is driving the bus until we stop whining and express our gratitude.
As soon as you do that, you see him clearly, right?
Be sure to check out my Thanksgiving Post with ways to be thankful along with some really helpful ideas for your celebration.
If you’d like more encouragement for prayer, check out My Current Prayer, or read through the recent Prayer Series.
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Always hoping you’ve found something useful, entertaining, or encouraging during your visit.

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Are you on Pinterest? That is a crazy fun place! You can find so many helpful things. Take a look at what I’ve saved for you! A lot of things that never make it to the blog. Here are my Pinterest pins, and I have lots of categories/boards if you’re looking for something specific.
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