You’ve got questions!
Believe me,
my life is built on questions.
Don’t be afraid to ask. See if yours is answered here. And know that this page was created because the same questions were asked by a lot of people!
So– Come on in!
Everything just got a little brighter with your arrival.

It’s a shortened word from “weblog” which was a description of a journal/newsletter type of website. That was when the Internet was newer. A blog is a way to deliver quality information, and to provide a place for like-minded people to communicate and share information.
Some blogs are personal, some are related to a business, and some are sources of information or goods. You can find food blogs, photography blogs, etc., which offer information specifically tailored to a single interest.
Readers usually visit blogs for education, or just for pleasure reading. Readers of a certain blog may be referred to as visitors, followers, or subscribers.
So thanks for visiting my blog!
It’s a “lifestyle blog”. A lifestyle blog is a website related to common life issues, covering multiple topics.
This blog is focused on women’s interests. There is content regarding parenting and grandparenting. Additionally, there are recipes, inspirational articles, organization ideas, and even some decor ideas. New posts appear once or twice a week. If you’d like notification about a new post when it appears, you can subscribe.
You will complete a form that includes your user name and your e-mail. You can use your first name, or a nickname. It will appear on your e-mails from me. (My user name is Grammye.) Subscribers will receive an e-mail each time a new post is published. It’s like subscribing to a magazine. I’ll send you each issue automatically. If you get tired of it, you can just click unsubscribe and you won’t get the emails any more. It’s free, so I don’t need any payment information.
As a subscriber you also get access to my Free Resource Library. I’ll give you the password and you can print anything that’s there.
If you want to do that now, you can subscribe here.
If you comment on a post, your user name will show as the commenter, but your e-mail won’t.
(And in case you were wondering: You don’t have to subscribe if you comment, and you don’t have to comment if you subscribe.)
You are taken directly to the product page at the store selling the product. You’ll be leaving my site and going there separately. You’ll complete the purchase as you normally would, and I don’t follow you there. But they will be able to see that you came from my website, and I’ll be rewarded in some small way for that.
It’s kinda like this: If it was like the old five-and-dime store, a tiny “Grammye-sent-me” chime dings as you enter their door, letting them know I sent you. If you buy something, they’ll thank me. The shopkeeper won’t tell me who shopped or all that they purchased, but I’ll get a little chime later that says thanks for sending a customer there. And I won’t have access to any of your account information there. Everything is the same for you, and the shopkeeper will remember to thank me at the end of the month.
Here’s the full explanation of how this is set up:
Most blogs promote products which might be of particular interest to the readers. The blogger [me] obtains permission from the seller [a store or website] to promote their product. In turn, the seller may give the blogger a small commission (or free or discounted products) in return for that promotion. This does not increase the cost to the purchaser [you]. It is simply one method of advertising, the cost of which has already been built into the price of the product.
So, the blogger promotes products, and the seller pays only when a product is sold.
When these fees are received by the blogger it helps to offset the administration costs of the blog, and possibly creates a profit for the blogger. So bloggers love for you to click on their links.
That’s the plain-language explanation. The official term is “affiliate marketing” which can almost be translated as “store promoting” in regular-person talk. So in short, I’m promoting products I love, and sellers consider that valuable advertising.

IF YOU HAVE MORE QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT ME! Since my first ideas about creating a blog, I’ve had almost nothing but questions. It’s a good day when you have a helpful answer to a nagging question. And I’m all about good days.
You can e-mail me at
I thank you for being here.
And, as they say at the free puppy store, please take something with you when you leave.