Featured Image Ergonomics 2021

Five Things You MUST Do for Ergonomics

UPDATED 8/08/2021

Five things to look at to save your head, shoulders, neck, back, and wrists. (and maybe knees and toes). Laptop ergonomics explained simply.

Pinterest Ergonomics set up laptop

Ergonomics for your laptop computer.

Ergonomics: The thing No One was passionate about Ever.

Then there’s me.

Right up front let me say it: I’m sorry. Sorry for making you face this fact of life. I confess, it is a passion. 

What we do to our bodies with poor positioning will cause us lost production, fatigue, pain, and possibly even surgery. Please look at FIVE ESSENTIAL THINGS you can do to stop the harm.

I promise to make it quick and relatively painless. Once you know these five things, you can do your own research and shopping. 

Today is about ergonomics for using your laptop computer.

Five things to look at to save your head, shoulders, neck, back, and wrists.  (and maybe knees and toes)

The fast explanation: Our bodies weren’t made to be seated at a computer. They were made to lift, squat, turn, walk, and stretch. And more. 

The word “ergonomics” is the combination of two words that mean work and economics.  Go ahead. Google it.  I know you will.  But then come back here for the quick five things.  (Or even better: Read now, Google later.) 

I’m not going to burden you with all the facts. You could study forever, and some people do, about this worthy subject.  I will suggest five things you need to assess.

Most of us have moved to a laptop/notebook as opposed to a desktop. This quick article is to correct any bad behavior this move has caused.

So here’s what I’ll say:  You can use your laptop, but not alone! You can be alone, but your laptop cannot! Read on to find out why.

1. Thing One: Monitor height.

Are you looking down? Please, don’t do that. Your neck will be damaged.  The top 1/3 of your monitor should be in front of your forehead. Look straight at the monitor. Can you see it, top to bottom, without tilting your head slightly up or down?  Neck in neutral position, facing straight forward. Your head is centered right on top of a straight neck, just like a new chocolate Tootsie Pop. That’s what you’re after.

I like a big monitor. Check out this one, almost exactly what I have. 

The  thinking is this:  basically “more real estate” for your viewing area. You’ll have less eye strain, and you’ll see more detail.

HP 27″ Monitor

Hewlett Packard Hp 27m 27-inch Monitor

And there’s more – You may need a monitor stand or riser, to lift that monitor to the correct height. Once you see how functional these things are, you’ll have to get one!

This actually frees up some desktop space as an added bonus. Like doubling the surface area!

Mind Reader Monitor Stand

Mind Reader Monitor Stand, Monitor Riser for Computer, Laptop, Desk, iMac, Metal Mesh, Black

Monitor stand/riser options are available in many different styles, materials, and heights.  Really think about what you can gain by using one before you purchase.

2. Thing Two: Keyboard.

You need a natural position with arms and shoulders.  You need a split keyboard.

Like vegetables, you may hate it at first, but it’s good for you. You need to be able to move your shoulders and elbows as you type. Unfortunately, with a standard or small fixed keyboard it’s almost impossible. The good news: You get used to the split keyboard in one day. Then you love it. You have my word. And don’t forget the keyboard shelf.  See Thing Four in a minute.

Here’s the takeaway on the keyboard: The tiny area of a laptop keyboard will never serve proper body mechanics. It’s just too small. Simple explanation: Your keyboard width should equal your shoulder width. 

I have a Microsoft 4000.  They are getting a little harder to find. Here’s one that has good reviews and is still affordable.

Ergonomic computer keyboard


Microsoft MS Ergonomic Kybrd W

3. Thing Three: Docking Station, or Ports.

It’s okay to use a laptop. Just not alone. (You can be alone, but the laptop cannot.) Attach either a keyboard, or a monitor, or both. I’m serious.  Because of Thing One and Thing Two, above.

No laptop I know of can have the monitor at proper eye level and the keyboard at proper waist level. 

If you have ports, just plug something in. Or, be like me and get a docking station. Then you can plug lots of stuff in. If anyone tells you docking stations all left on the Mayflower, they’re wrong. I have one and I love it. It even charges my iPhone.

You need to do some shopping for this one. Since I’ve bought mine, port types have evolved. USB, USB-C, Thunderbolt, (what?); you can check out a long list at Laptop Mag.

But here’s what I’m talking about. 

Walmart Plugable docking station


Plugable USB 3.0 Universal Laptop Docking Station for Windows (Dual Video HDMI and DVI/VGA, Gigabit Ethernet, Audio, 6 USB Ports)

4. Thing Four: Keyboard shelf.

You don’t need your keyboard on the table or desk. You need it slightly below your waist, just a few inches above your lap. 

Simple test: Are your forearms parallel with the floor? If you’re reaching up, or reaching down, your hands are too high or too low. It puts either your arms or shoulders in a strain. You can also use a cushioned lap desk (like those college things) with the keyboard on top. It really works. 

Here’s what I have, a fully-installed (not clip or clamp on) under-mount wood keyboard shelf. It’s wide (for that new keyboard you just got a minute ago, Thing Two, plus your mouse) and disappears completely under the desktop when not in use. 

Walmart keyboard shelf


Alera Valencia Series Underdesk Keyboard/Mouse Shelf, 28w x 12d, Black -ALEVA312812BK

5. Thing Five: Chair.

Good padding, supportive back at a good angle, and proper seat height.  You should be comfortably seated, thighs parallel to the floor (parallel, there’s that word again), with your feet resting flat on the floor. If everything but the good padding is present, just get a gel pad to sit on. You will thank me. There is no substitute for gel chair pads.

You don’t have to spend a fortune. Just think about your size, your setup, and your spending plan. When I am ready for the next one, this is what I’m looking for. 

Walmart ergonomic office chair

Mid Back Mesh Ergonomic Computer Desk Office Chair, Black

For this chair or any other, if you’ve ever wanted a cushion for comfort, you’ll never regret getting a gel cushion. They don’t break down like foam, and you can’t beat the comfort. 

Walmart gel seat cushion

Honeycomb Cooling Gel Support Seat Cushion with Non-Slip Breathable Cover - Ergonomic & Orthopedic - Car Office Seat With Flex Back Support Absorbs Pressure Points

That wraps it up for laptop computer ergonomics.

All these are truly pay-later health issues.

So please pay attention now.

Take care of your muscles and joints, 

practice good posture and good ergonomics. 

Grandmothers say there’s nothing prettier than perfect posture.

Thanks for letting me be bossy today.  

I really do care enough to say it.

Here’s how my laptop looks. It’s in a stand-up metal file organizer. And there, behind my monitor, is the vertical docking station, working quietly behind the scenes. It’s not cluttered or messy, and it works great.

I’ve got a few more of my office pictures if you like that kind of thing here.

Also, some more tips on making your workspace pretty.

Laptop and docking station
Pinterest Home Office how to arrange

Thank you! At GFP company is always welcome!

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Grammye's Front Porch with sign

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I’m Grammye, and I’m collecting and sharing ideas that can help you embrace the life you have. 

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