Grammye Wrote A Book

March 22, 2024

I totally did it.

I wrote a book. 

It’s brand new, on Amazon just this week.

(I know, right?!)

Pinterest Easter Book brand new

An Easter Book About The Resurrection

What if there was a little picture book. A book that talks about Christ, about the risen Lord, about the reason for it all. 

There are some books about Easter that I love. Especially The Garden, The Curtain, and The Cross.

That’s a beautiful book I have given as a gift.  And there are others.

So why another one?

I wanted to contribute to a category of books that needs to be “fattened up” a little.

The Way It Happened:

Here’s the whole story, in a little tiny bit of space.

I wrote it, purchased the illustrations, and arranged it.

I researched publishing and realized I have no money and no expertise and no idea what I’m doing writing a book. 

Cartoon Grammye Transparent Computer

An unlikely hero arrived:  Amazon. They have a publishing division.  You can upload your book files. They will present it to the world and print it. I didn’t even know.

I timidly uploaded it and pressed publish. They sent it back with instructions for adjustments on the cover images and spacing. Twice. And I almost gave up.

Because… Maybe they weren’t ever going to say it was acceptable. (And why should they.) But I didn’t give up. And one day, the status said “Published.”  Just like that, it was on Amazon. 

I told my family and about five close friends. Until now, I had told only GrandDaddy I was writing a book.  No one else. So this was kinda unexpected. 

The response was both overwhelming and humbling.  It’s the old “they told two friends, and they told two friends” (which is the actual name of Facebook that you never hear out loud).

There is no way to describe the kindness I have received.  Friends have been so encouraging. But the big thing?

They were excited for me!

Little celebratory expressions were unbelievably exciting, and something else. 


Just showing me once again how much we reside in relationships, and moods, and circumstances, and hope.  And most of all, love. 

Easter Books with Bow
Easter Eggs 01

Thanks for letting me tell you about this adventure. 

Would you like a preview?  

Preview “Why Do We Have The Eggs?”

Feeling ambitious, and want to buy it?  

Buy “Why Do We Have The Eggs?” on Amazon. 


You’re supposed to “launch” books and programs. And maybe one day I will. But today I’m just showing more friends. You.

Maybe you’ll look at it, or maybe you’ll buy it, or maybe you’ll tell two friends. 

What could happen?

I’d love it if this tiny story of the Gospel encouraged someone to take a step toward Jesus whether they’re as tiny as a bunny or a chick, or as old as a grandma. 

From the book:

Little Chick asked a question: Can I tell this story?  

Little Bunny smiled.  He had a soft voice. He said to Little Chick: Yes. Jesus wants you to.

From the Bible:

Matthew 28:18-20 (NLT):  Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

1 Peter 3:15 (NLT):  Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it.

(That’s from the truest book in the whole wide world.)

Today, as I’m polishing this post, something has happened.  The first issues of “Why Do We Have The Eggs?” that were ordered have arrived at their destinations. 

I’ll be honest: I still can’t believe it. Thank you so much.

Please help me keep the presses at Amazon passing out the Gospel to a hungry world.  

Easter Baskets

Worried about filling your Easter baskets? I’ve got a topic that covers that, and it really helps. A little formula you can stick to and really have a meaningful gift for your little ones.

Get a better look at the book.

By the way, 😎

I’ve become an Amazon Affiliate. 📣

Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. 

Find out more about that here.

Thank you for visiting! At GFP company is always welcome!

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Grammye's Front Porch with sign

Are you on Pinterest? That is a crazy fun place! You can find so many helpful things. Take a look at what I’ve saved for you! A lot of things that never make it to the blog. Here are my Pinterest pins, and I have lots of categories/boards if you’re looking for something specific.



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