Sit down in a comfy rocking chair and feel the breeze. Have a mug of coffee and a fresh pastry. And let’s enjoy real life together. Maybe you want to meet a friend, or be a friend.
I’m Grammye, and I help women wrestle (and win) with ordinary and extraordinary life issues. Together we tackle household management, parenting, grandparenting, and the difficulties that life delivers to our doorstep.
Why don’t you stay a minute, look around, and find some encouragement here.
I’m hoping to find ways to build each other up, make things better.

There’s a reason the blog is here at all: It’s because of the kindness of people over all these years — reaching out to me, offering comfort, wisdom, and answers.
Looking back over all I have received, I just have to pull you in.
So, see if you find something here of value, maybe a story or a household tip. Sometimes I’ll share a link to another site, maybe a little treasure that helped me to the next milepost in the past (or right now).
And thank you, just for being here. Come back soon.
About me:
I’m 63. I’m a follower of Jesus Christ. I’m a woman. I’m American. I live in the South. I’m a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother.
Laughter and merriment are my companions. But I’m no stranger to difficulty and sadness.
I seek to make every day count with my family and my friends. I want our home to be our safe place.
All those facts make us alike or different. Either way, it’s possible we have a lot to discover together. I hope so.

So those are the places you can come and read.
Or chill.
Or spill.
Join me virtually anytime. (And we’ll have coffee!)
Did I say “behind the scenes?”
The places where things happen.
I wonder about you– where you are, and how you found me. I’m glad you did.
Below are some quick pics of my cozy home office. You can’t really tell it from my very amateur photos but it’s my happy place. I’m so fortunate to have this corner of space to myself. The other corner is GrandDaddy’s home office. We share. He is so patient, letting me put all the clutter on his side. (Which is not very cute. And which is why his side isn’t in the picture.)
Blogging is good, something I enjoy. There’s other work around here, too: medical transcription. I know. Surprise. It’s no longer a popular career, and it continues to disappear. But there is still a little I can do. So now you know a little bit more about my nerdy self.
If I’m not at the computer, I may be riding my bike in the yard while playing loud music. Or I may be eating Smarties with a princess, or quietly smelling a baby’s head. You may find me cruising the aisles at Lowes with GrandDaddy. I’m a sucker for the Hot light at Krispy Kreme, board games with my sisters, puzzles with my mom, and watching movies over and over.
Favorites: Did you guess the favorite color? …tan. And the favorite drink: same as yours — coffee. (I know, right?)
Whew! So that’s me, and the winding road to Grammye’s Front Porch.
What about you? (Pretty sure you took a similar winding road here.)
Thank you. For visiting. For taking a few minutes to be part of a community that wants things to be better. That’s what happens here: Things get better.
If you’d like to get a notice with the next post, just sign up for the e-mail list. You can do it below, or you can go to the subscribe page and put in your e-mail address. Subscribers get an e-mail when a post is published, and sometimes a little something else. Also subscribers get access to the resource library with free printables.
And about those e-mails: They’re pretty awesome. Ask my mom; she reads them all. And now, maybe you will, too. 😉
(If you want to wait, it’s okay. Just come back again soon and look around. )

Wondering about something else, maybe?
What if I share what I have learned about God?
I have meaningful friendships with lots of people. When it comes to doctrine, we sometimes find differences.
Please don’t worry. I won’t beat you up over theology. I’m just a humble servant hoping to love people the way Jesus wants me to.
Here’s my list of the important things, just so you know who I am and what I stand for.

If you’d like, write to me.
You can go to my Contact Page, or just send an e-mail (grammyesfrontporch at g-mail) and say hello.
Or subscribe to the blog and I’ll e-mail you something encouraging pretty regularly.
If you’d like to receive a notice each time a post is published (about every week or two) then subscribe! Enter your name and e-mail. Subscribing will also give you access to the Free Subscriber Resource Library, a growing collection of printable items including recipes, Scripture, bookmarks, and more.