February 14, 2020
I hope you all have a wonderful Friday. If you’ve stressed over gifts, I hope your efforts are appreciated.
It’s Valentine’s Day!
If you’re not giving or getting a gift, please move over so I can sit with you. I’m not completely enthusiastic about all the fuss. I like for the children to get some candy, and everything is really pretty, but it’s not my big thing.
However, I did get to be surprised when I saw something yesterday evening. It was the best thing I ever saw to celebrate Valentine’s Day. I didn’t see it coming, and I was truly at a loss for words. Just seeing it was a thrill. All I could think of was, “Say cheese!”
Thanks for stopping by. And now you know my secret. I love pizza more than flowers or jewelry.
Happy Valentine’s Day, whatever your heart is doing.

Stick around if you want. Check out my “About” page for some ordinary photos of the ordinary blogging office. Little by little, I’ll share my secrets.