Did you ever dream of flying? Watching birds, watching planes, and wondering how it would feel to glide high above the earth?
One little girl did, and eventually made her own dreams a reality.
It wasn’t me; I wasn’t there.
The little girl was my mother. Her childhood stories amaze me. She grew up in a meager household with a lot of love.
Here — I’ll let her tell you. The story begins in the late 1940’s in rural Louisiana.

Each year I love to share one of my mother’s wonderful stories on the blog. It’s a way for me to honor her in the weeks leading up to Mother’s Day. I hope you enjoy it.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Psalm 19:1
How wonderful it is, to be called upward, to dwell on the created universe and the world around us.
Head In The Clouds — Really!
A day in my childhood awakened a dream that never left me.
We were children of the Louisiana farmland, kids who grew up with barely enough. It wasn’t unusual at that time to have so little. Entire families worked on farm chores and household duties.
My father had a brother who lived in the West Texas town of Pecos. This uncle was a rancher and owned a small plane.
When I was ten years old, he flew his plane to our home in Louisiana and landed on a small grass strip.
During his visit he asked a question: “Would anyone like to go flying?”
There I was with my hand in the air, practically jumping up and down. I was the only member of my family who wanted to fly.
I was amazed when my mom agreed, and my uncle took me flying.
My vision was very poor, and I had recently been fitted with glasses. I was accustomed to enjoying the world around me from my normal vantage point.
Nothing could have prepared me for the wonder of seeing the world that was mine, the vista as it appeared from the sky. In those moments, I fell in love with flight.
Returning to Earth
My uncle’s visit ended after a few days. We watched as he got into his plane and lifted into the air, flying back to Pecos and his ranch.
My life on the ground continued over the years. Doing chores, finishing school, getting married, and having three wonderful little girls. Life was good, and I was happy, occasionally dreaming of flying.
Clouds Again
When my children were grown, my husband came home one day and asked, “Would you like to buy a plane and learn to fly?”
And there I was again, excited and ready. Just like at ten, I was practically jumping up and down.
We bought a pretty red and white Cessna 150.
We both took flying lessons. I studied and flew as much as possible, and got my pilot’s license.

Eventually we bought a second plane, a Cessna 206. We could now take family members with us. We enjoyed flying, and it was a magical time in my life.

You should know: Flying takes many hours of your time, and quite a bit of your money.
After a while, reality and other priorities required more of my attention. Eventually I had to give up flying. Soon after, my husband did the same. We sold both planes.
My time in the sky will always be a fond memory of a marvelous experience.
I have always enjoyed reading about the Wright brothers, maybe because I understand their obsession with flying. I am grateful for them and for others willing to sacrifice and take risks to give us flight.

From Grammye:
How did you like my Mom’s story? She actually took me for a ride in one of those little airplanes!
Thanks for hanging out for a minute, and getting into the clouds with my mom.
Last year, and this year, I asked my mom to share some of her stories in the weeks leading up to Mother’s Day.
Are you a sky lover, too?
Here’s a quote from Jetpack Aviation about our desire to fly:
Humans are not going to stop dreaming of personal flight any time soon. Our desire to fly is deep-seated and ancient – even the Bible makes reference to it in Isaiah 40:31, where it is promised that those who put their faith in the Lord will “Fly on wings like eagles”. For now, most of us remain earthbound. But our dream will continue. And one day, thanks to the spirit of human innovation, we are sure to be able to join the birds, and soar through the clouds and the sky. It seems a certainty that, for as long as we dream of personal flight, we’ll work to achieve it.
Thanks for reading today. Whether you love to fly or not, there’s something that you love, something you dream of.
What is it you’ve done that fulfilled a childhood dream, or unlocked a mystery? Maybe it’s time to tell your story. Or maybe it’s just time to treasure it, and enjoy the blessing in your life.

If you enjoyed the story, or if you have a response, jump in to the comments and let me know. I’ll be sure my mom gets it!
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