July 13, 2020
Here are 9 more household essentials, product reviews on household items you can really use! Focus is on outdoor items and toddler essentials.
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First, 5 helpful items to buy for your toddler.
It seems like every time you turn around, there’s another endeavor ahead — another milestone is approaching and you want to be ready. Here are four things that helped us through some of them.
I’ll show you the items, then I’ll tell you why they are so helpful.
What’s to love about these toddler essentials?
The Chair is from a company called Church Chairs 4 Less in Canton, Georgia. This comes in different sizes, and is so comfortable for children. I just love the design of this chair. So stable and just so cute! Their prices are unbeatable and service is excellent. Ours is the 15.5″ seat height but you can get a wide range of sizes, starting at 12″.
The OXO potty. Smooth and streamlined, no sharp corners. Easy to clean, without a lot of extra parts.
With the Frog urinal for your little boy, you’ll breeze through potty training. (#1 at least.) We went ahead and mounted it with screws to the end of our bathroom vanity. The container (the lighter green portion) just lifts out so you can pour out the contents then wash it out in the nearby bathtub. Just a glance tells you all you need to know about why it works.
And the step stool! A great non-slip boost for brushing teeth, washing hands, etc.. It’s so stable, and you know it won’t turn over. You know I love folding step stools for the older ones, but for little ones you really count on it staying put.
All these items help you in those tiny steps toward independence that happen every day.
Please check out the links above which will give you all the choices you need, and even other suggestions if you have different needs.
And now, a few things for the grown-ups.
Check out the pictures, then I’ll tell you why.
Here are the household essentials product reviews (and reasons):
The plastic chairs have been amazing. The price is unbeatable, and these are way better than the white plastic chairs I remember from the 70’s. They actually look kind of cute in the yard. Stackable, lightweight, comfortable.
The collapsible crates are great for everything. Keep them in a closet or in the back of your car. Some examples? Carrying food to a gathering, corralling groceries or toys, or just general cleaning from room to room. The link here is for a set of two.
This marble contact paper? I love it. Over a piece of rigid cardboard, it makes an amazing photo backdrop. But great for covering anything. It’s so pretty. The selection of other patterns is impossible to cover here. Go look!
And the last thing: The ladder. Get this now. For yourself, for your mom or dad.
The ladder. A great investment. Why?
Guess what? There’s no day when you say, “Yesterday I was young and strong and it was easy to balance. But this morning I’m no longer good at that.”
Those things: age, strength, balance, they just slowly (sneakily) decline over a lot of years. Thus, you never have that moment when you review everything and say, “Hey, I need to make this place safe for old people!” Before you need to, start looking at easy changes you can make. Prevention, right?
Did I get this for my mama? NO. You know why? Another family member did, because they were getting out ahead of it. Take my advice: If you want to be the favorite, get the ladder. I’m still trying to figure out how to top this purchase and regain the lead.
Maybe I’ll do a post soon on some of those “little things” we need to be watching for. (Hmmm. I’ll certainly have to look around to find an aging person to interview, won’t I?😆)

I hope you’re finding these brief household essentials product reviews helpful! I’ve got some more detailed product reviews coming up soon. If you missed the last set of 9 products in June, you can go back and look!
I wouldn’t have known about these if someone hadn’t purchased them or pointed them out!
Hey, if you’re reading these lists and yawning, it’s okay. Maybe they aren’t what you need right now. But think about your gift stash! Some of these would make great baby gifts or wedding gifts.
Thank you. For being here. I LOVE company. And don’t forget to come and see me on Pinterest where I’m saving lots of ideas for you!