Updated November 5, 2021
What a painful question. It means you think you’ve been changed, that you look different to God. That he won’t recognize you or accept you. Friend, I have good news. Come here, and stay till the last word.

You can’t lift your eyes, can’t face the answer to the question. You know this time you’ve gone too far. But you are asking the question. It means you know something, deep in your heart.
One part of you argues that you have nowhere to go, another cries out to the Father from a place deep within you. Conflict in the depths of your heart.
What if in your silent mourning, you heard His voice, saying your name. If you looked up, you would see His open arms, and the grace in His eyes.
This is what you have been taught, but today you felt like you were outside the boundaries, and it feels like the gavel has fallen. Maybe you feel like it should have. That you really stepped into the place where He won’t accept you back.
And why would He? After all, He’s holy, and we can’t drag our sin close to that, right? That’s how it feels. Because we are human, and we are limited by our own logic, our own reactions, and our own faults.
Oh, my tender friend, your unhappiness has blocked the path that has been waiting for you before you ever got here.
The path to forgiveness, grace, restoration, and even holiness.
The obstacle you see ahead is not the heavy impossibility it appears to be.
God sees you, the you He created. No matter what you think has changed.
The You He Named
A few years ago, someone shared something with me about names. When the Israelites were taken captive, their captors changed their names. They were given Babylonian names.
We’ve all read the story, or maybe we sang a song, about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. These were 3 young men who were given some authority in the kingdom.
But those aren’t their original names. Their original names were Hanania, Mishael, and Azariah.
Daniel was renamed Belteshazzar. You can read Daniel 3 and get the whole story.
But here’s the thing: This person made it a point to remember their real names, which were a statement of their heritage and their belonging to God.
Why is that important: Because no matter what they were called by men, no matter what their appearance, God saw them. He saw the ones He created, he saw their heritage and their names.
How Does God See Me Now?
He sees you. He sees your heritage and your name. He sees His purpose in your life. He sees your future.
Let me share three truths with you right this minute.
- God knows everything. Not “everything but” — everything. Past, present, future. Everything.
- God chose you. Before the world was formed, you were chosen for His glory. No. Matter. What.
- God brings us back. Because He knows everything, because He chose us. He comes for us, calls to us, and brings us back.
Maybe you are still struggling with the weight of what you’re carrying. You can’t see the way back, can’t see how to recover, can’t see how you can go back to the place you were before.
I know.
And I’m going to show you why God’s truth will prevail over your truth.
We will take a short Scripture journey to:
- expose the truth of sin,
- embrace the truth about redemption, and
- explore the truth of God’s Word.
And we will walk into His promises.
- Sin is anything that interrupts or interferes with our relationship with God. It is disregard for God or for His law.
- Satan is the author of all sin, the Father of all lies.
- God is greater than sin.
These three points tell a short story, and this is the story: We know what sin looks like, and we know who entices us into sin, and we know God is greater than sin.
Right now, I need you to squeeze your long painful story into this short story. Even if you don’t trust it yet, please know that this is the story He wrote. and His truth is more true than your truth.
If that’s a struggle, pause right now, and pray that God will lift the burden of your story. That God will turn your inner compass back to true North, and that you will step over your small truth to see His greater truth.
And don’t run off! There’s something important for you.
- God already knows what happened.
- Jesus himself has taken our punishment.
- God rejoices in our return.
It is another short story, containing the most important truths in the world. It’s so simple that it’s almost impossible to believe. It seems to require nothing of us, and promises entirely more than we could ever deserve.
That’s just too simple. Way too neat and tidy to apply here, right? It seems so, but I want to show you how to look into this truth, how to trust in its validity, and how to reassure yourself of God’s love for you.

The challenge here is not to find the Scripture you need right now. It’s to select one. The Bible is filled with examples of God’s story, with full explanations.
Listen as I say this: The Bible is a vast thing, bigger than the Internet. Bigger than the Cloud. Big.
But it’s still for me.
I don’t have to know it completely to utilize it. I have access to it all the time, no matter my level of expertise.
I just need to use it more, learn it more, and spend more time in it. That’s what I’m doing today, right now. More.
Because I see you. God sees you, too.
But you still wonder: How Does God See Me Now?
I’ll tell you where the answer is. It’s in Scripture. But first, let me tell you what using the Bible is like (a quick story):
Growing up in a small town, moms always knew everybody’s kids, and kids always knew everybody’s moms. We knew them. One mom was Miss Mary Lou. That sounds like a little Tinkerbell. But Miss Mary Lou was no Tinkerbell. She was the mom of a houseful of boys, ready for anything, and missed nothing. Her voice was deep and commanding, and her heart was huge. When something bad happened, Miss Mary Lou was known for saying, “Aw, Sugar, Come here.” (Was this phrase unique to Georgia?) She’d wrap those arms around you, hug you hard, and whatever happened got smaller right away.
No matter how old I get, I never want to forget the comfort of being told “Come here.” If you’re ever looking at my Pinterest pins, it’s there sometimes. Everybody needs to hear “Come here” when the chips are down.
Jesus is the ultimate “Come here” for people. If you want to hear it, you have to open that vast book and get more. Are you reluctant to open it, because it’s so big? There’s a way. I’m going to help you find one thing you can use right now.
It’s a short journey through the truths named above.
First, let’s ask Him to bless our time together:
Father, Open our hearts to understand your Scripture. Slow our thoughts down. Cause every word to embrace us with truth. Bless our efforts, and increase our love and hunger for you. Amen.
Now, come here.
The Journey:
O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it. (Psalm 139:1-6) In your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me. (Psalm 139:16)
Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. (Ephesians 1:4)
For thus says the Lord God: Behold, I, I myself will search for my sheep and will seek them out. (Ezekiel 34:11)
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
The serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. (Gen 3:1)
Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love. He will again have compassion on us; he will tread our iniquities underfoot. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.(Micah 7:18-19)
O God, you know my folly; the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you. (Psalm 69:5)
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. (1 Peter 2:24)
Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents. (Luke 15:10)
Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! (Psalm 95:6)

Are you still here? I love you for that. I’m here, too.
All this may be a long way from where you see yourself, and that’s okay. I’m asking you to take one small step from your brokenness, one small step into the warmth of God’s love. That’s all.
The Joy and the Pain of Rebuilding
In the book of Ezra, we are told of the return of the captives from Babylon to Jerusalem, and the beginning of the rebuilding of the house of the Lord. When the foundation was laid, those who saw the progress shouted praise with great joy. At the same time, those who remembered the original house wept loudly. Ezra 3:13 says that the people could not distinguish the sound of the joyful shouts from the sound of loud weeping.
In humble kindness, I’m saying this to you: Sometimes the weeping and the joy are competing in our hearts. So much that we can’t distinguish between the two. If you’re weeping, it’s okay. When emotions grow in our hearts, they overflow. We weep over the past and the future.
God wants to replace the source of your weeping with the source of joy. Can you let Him do that for you?
Do you want more? Sometimes a guided journey into Scripture can be a very direct answer to our questions. What I’m talking about is a topical search of the Bible for your struggle. You can be your own guide. You’ll see a list below of some places that make it so easy to search Scriptures for a certain topic.
You don’t have to stop with the one sentence you find. Take a minute to read the whole chapter. Rebuild the foundation in your heart. And hear the shouts of praise and the loud weeping. For what was, what is, and what is to come.
When you are broken, lost, and feeling wretched, know that the answer is in God’s Word.
Here’s a question for you: When you are told that, told to look in the Bible, do you have a reaction that says “It’s not there” of “I don’t know where to look”? Something that keeps you from going to the Bible?
Ephesians 6:12 says this: For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Do you believe that?
God wants us in His Word.
If we aren’t there, it’s because something is keeping us from it. Maybe it looks like busy-ness, or distraction, or something else. What do you think is really keeping us from it?
Right now, acknowledge the forces in the world of good and evil, and pray that God places Himself squarely before you, in a way you can’t ignore.
I can’t tell you how effective this has been in my own life, and in the lives of those around me. One day maybe I will, but not today. But I can tell you this prayer for yourself or another can be answered in a marvelous way that has only one explanation: That He did what you asked.
The Scriptures shared above were found through the following resources. Check them out yourself.
How about a complete picture of how God sees us? Look at What God Thinks About You, a topic at Desiring God.
If these resources are not quite enough, try a search for the topic of this article. Just go to Google, or Bing, or whatever you use. Type in How Does God See Me Now? You’ll find you aren’t alone in your search. You will find abundant answers for your questions.
And if you do, please be careful: every source of information is not accurate. That’s why I recommended the sites above. Please remember that the search engines are just like the phone book. Everybody is in there, but not everybody is the right source. The subtle deviations from truth are not always detectible.
Do you have a trusted person who is strong in their faith? Do you have access to a trustworthy Bible teacher? That’s what every single believer needs: someone to point us to solid resources and filter through the information that’s out there.
What’s the step we take now? Every day we do something to further the kingdom. Either we share a message, or we examine ourselves, or we spend more time with God.
Comment here if you want. Come back. Bring a friend.

All I can do is sigh. I made myself tired with this. I’m sure I made you tired, too.
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I’m Grammye, and I’m collecting and sharing ideas that can help you embrace the life you have.
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Loved the Names and the “Aw Sugar…” I can hear her now. If our Bible covers had subtitles, that should be one.
😊 You are so right. I think if we could think “Come here” instead of the intimidation, we would see so much more in the Bible. I’m so glad to see you here!