February 18, 2022
You need to know how to cure diaper rash right now. Come find out the methods, the reasons, and the products that you need. There’s help!

How To Cure Diaper Rash
If you’re here, it’s not for pleasure reading, is it?
You’ve descended into the diaper rash dungeon and you can’t get out.
Like a desperate game show guest, you’ve exhausted your options.
- You didn’t guess the right answer.
- You called a friend but they didn’t have the cure.
- And Google sent you in a thousand directions.
Wasn’t diaper rash a mild condition that lasted a day or two?
Surprise. It can last well over a week, maybe several.
As moms we’ve all been there: Doing all the things we’re told, and seeing the rash only get worse. When you’re already tired and struggling to keep up, now your baby’s miserable and you can’t seem to make it better.
Maybe a mild irritation simply worsened over time (or overnight). Maybe one of those killer poop diapers set off an awful diaper rash. Poop is an irritant to the skin, and a worse irritant when it’s diarrhea.
But do not despair. It eventually does get better. I promise.
Lets go over these things:
- The surprising things that may not work.
- The goals of treatment.
- The things you do to cure diaper rash.
- The things you use to cure diaper rash.
Things that May NOT Work to cure Diaper Rash
There are some solutions we have been conditioned to use that may not be helping. None of these are “bad” things, and depending on your situation they may actually help. But you may find that using them doesn’t get you quick results.
Powder. It seems like it would work, baby cornstarch. But it’s possible this may add another element that could worsen the skin irritation that’s already present. It’s true powder does absorb moisture. It’s also true it’s very hard to remove moist powder from tender skin.
Cloth diapers. Absolutely these are a great choice for your baby. But with a diaper rash, you’re very limited in the remedies you can use in cloth diapers. Some creams are not compatible with cloth diapers. So the curative products you apply are limited. But don’t worry. You don’t have to give them up altogether.
Having asked you to put those two items aside temporarily, let’s look at the actual plan you need to turn things around. When you’re clear on the goals, selecting methods and products will be so much easier.
Here are three simple goals, the straightforward ways that most advisors agree will get your baby’s discomfort back to healthy skin.
- Getting all residue and moisture resolved at every diaper change, leaving skin completely clean and dry before treating.
- Using products that are gentle and relieving to treat those raw areas, avoiding chemicals and abrasives.
- Creating a barrier that protects skin from the next onslaught –the endless fountain of waste pouring frequently over the diaper area.
It’s really not much more than that. And if you know what your goals are, you’ll have an easier time managing things.
When you’re searching online for solutions, and you should, you’ll find plenty of ideas. Some conventional, some old fashioned, and some quite unusual. When you know and understand the three goals above, you’ll do a better job of screening the information you find.
We’re gonna get you to the goal, mama.
As you read this, please know that you can really go from crying to counseled to cured. And you’ll be the one comforting the next mom who struggles.

Here’s the list. More details in a minute.
- Change that diaper as soon as it is wet. Yes, every single time.
- Use only water wipes to cleanse the skin. Not “regular” and not even “sensitive.” Rub as little as possible, and as gently as possible. Be patient and clean thoroughly.
- Allow skin to become completely dry before applying treatment. Be patient. Wait a minute, gently press a clean dry cloth or paper towel on the skin, fan the area, get it nice and dry.
- Apply a liberal layer of protection to the clean dry skin. Be generous with these barrier creams. A light layer really doesn’t adequately do the job.
- Allow some diaper-free time. Terrifying, I know. But exposure to air is very helpful to the skin when it’s trying to heal. Light and oxygen just help. Put the baby on a towel, or one of those big absorbent bed pads. Tummy time, or back time, with mom right there watching closely for the next “event.” Even ten minutes of this a few times a day may speed healing.
- Disposable diapers. It’s true that cloth diapers are superior and better for the environment. But disposables do have two advantages. They pull moisture away from the skin. They also allow you to use any cream you desire. And unfortunately, cloth diapers have restrictions on compatible products. If you’re a cloth diaper user, you don’t have to break up with your cloth diapers. Just use the disposables until the rash is gone.
- Water Wipes. A definite improvement over ordinary baby wipes to cleanse the skin. No chemicals, just gentle moist wipes. Also, using a wipe warmer may seem like a luxury but it sure is a nice thing to do for a miserable baby.
- Resinol Ointment. This is a cream that contains both an analgesic (pain reliever) and a barrier. (It’s pink.) Smear a generous amount over all the irritated skin. Then follow with a heavier barrier cream.
- Zinc Oxide cream. This is the thick white cream you know as Desitin, Triple Paste, Boudreaux’s Butt Paste, Aquaphor, A&D, and Honest. Smear this right over the pink Resinol to form a second layer. How thick? Like frosting a cake. Really.
And when you’re shopping for diaper rash cream, make sure to find the variety that contains zinc oxide because these brands carry many different versions of their creams and ointments. They’re all good, and serve different purposes. But the ingredients do vary, and you’re looking for the zinc oxide to form that protective barrier.
Several “Max Strength” diaper rash creams like Aquaphor Fast Relief Diaper Rash Cream contain 40% zinc oxide. Go for that 40%. Others may contain a lesser percentage.
People also recommend Vaseline, clear ointments, Crisco, lanolin, and other items. And there’s nothing wrong with them. In fact, if you’re more comfortable with them, by all means give them a try. Most products for diaper rash contain petrolatum (Vaseline) so you’re not wrong!
I’m giving you the names of these items in case you’re in a get-it-now kind of place. I wasn’t able to find an alternative for the Water Wipes or the Resinol, but use the diapers and cream you prefer.
Some moms love the “applicators”, a kind of soft silicone utensil to apply the cream. Here’s one: Baby Bum Brush.
Additionally you’ll find remedies like breast milk and yogurt that moms promise will cure. And maybe they do! The important thing is to be consistent and watch for improvement.
Smart Quote: If what you’re doing isn’t working, change what you’re doing.
Diaper Size
Here’s something else: Make sure you’re moving up in diaper sizes. There’s an overlapping weight range for each size, so as soon as your baby gets within a couple of pounds of the maximum on the current size, or to the lower weight on the next size, move up. A too-tight diaper can be very confining and irritating to tender skin.
Monitor for clues about readiness by looking for marks on the baby’s skin from elastic or other tight areas. If the front and back tabs are “barely” connecting at the sides, it’s time to move up. Those stick-on tabs should be over the baby’s belly. They don’t have to meet, but also should not be too far apart.
There are actually plenty of tips for sizing diapers online, from the manufacturers and others.
And don’t worry about leaving a few diapers behind in that size. (Why do we have that, the feeling we must use every single diaper in the box, even if they don’t fit?) You’ll give them with a shower gift, or use them for your next baby!
Cleansing irritated skin
Looking at that tender skin can really get you sad. You’ll want to shy away from getting the skin completely clean just to avoid discomfort for your baby.
If you’re cringing at getting your baby’s skin clean, consider this method: Place a clean diaper under the baby and use a squeeze (squirt) bottle to irrigate the area with clean warm water. The diaper will collect the water as it runs off. It’s still not going to be a perfect process, but could reduce the need to wipe so much.
Remember peri bottles anyone? Bet you can find yours.
If you like that idea, consider purchasing Saline Wound Wash. An amazing irrigation product, The small amount of salt in the solution actually keeps it from stinging! (This works great for washing skinned knees, too!)

Yes, read. Research.
Like anything else, the more you know, the better you’ll perform. Talk to friends, read articles, review products.
Get started, do something now.
Go on and get to the store for these products, or call someone to pick them up for you. Or order online just by clicking the items below.
Even if you’ve been struggling a while, these measures, all used together, have an amazing cure rate, at least in the lives of the folks around me. Let’s see if you have the same story.
And, while you’re actively curing your uncomfortable baby, think ahead about what you’ll do next.
If you don’t get results you may need to see the pediatrician for something more aggressive to treat your baby.
Check with the doctor or the nurse advice line before advancing to any steroid creams, antibiotic ointments, or antifungal treatments.
Where did these answers come from? That really long game show, I guess. The game of life. Online searching, calling a friend, and guessing.
I’m sharing this with you right now so you don’t have to spin the wheel and go bankrupt on solutions.
These things on the list: they worked. That’s the main thing, right?
I’m gonna say this, and don’t miss it: There was one product that each person I talked with used right before the improvement. Resinol. Was it the key?
I don’t know, because so many other helpful measures were being used. But this product was a factor each time. Each of those moms would tell you: Don’t balk at the unfamiliar name or the price. Just do it.

THERE IS HOPE For The Baby With Diaper Rash
No matter how distressing it is for your baby and for you, think really hard about something you know: Not a single person has had diaper rash all their life. That’s good news for all of us!
I hope this article has encouraged you if you’re struggling with a sad little tender baby.
(As you know, a mother is only as happy as her unhappiest child.)
And if you know someone who can use some help, please send this article, or share on Facebook or Pinterest.
If you’d like to assemble a useful gift when a friend has a baby, purchase these items and enclose the instructions. Now, isn’t that a nice thing to do?
Get the printable page by clicking the square image for the Diaper Rash Cure Kit below.
Remember: Whenever you come here, the goal is to make things better.
Mama, don’t give up. Time and treatment will always cure diaper rash.
And if you have more helpful ideas, by all means comment below with your thoughts! Where would moms be without community?

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Hey, Chin up, Mom. I’m cheering for you and praying for you! Come here anytime for a healthy dose of diaper rash advice, a cornbread recipe, or a note about how much Jesus loves you.
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