February 6, 2021
Learn how to make Dalgona (whipped) coffee!
Missing your fancy coffee? You won’t believe how easy and delicious this is. Indulge!

Why I Want To Make Dalgona Coffee
Oh, y’all. (said breathlessly)
The first time I saw that little video on my Pinterest feed, I was wide eyed and captivated. This beautiful whipped coffee drink, dripping suggestively over the rim of a glass.
Seduced by coffee, again.
I weaned off putting sugar in my coffee several years ago, and drink my coffee with only milk, no sweetener. And this is okay for me 95% of the time, really. But sometimes, just sometimes, I just want one of those Frappamachiatalatteaulait things. Iced, or hot, I don’t care. Just something with a long name and some sugar in it.
It’s not just a cup of coffee. It’s an event, and a special one. You know, don’t you?
Because we’ve made coffee into that. Haven’t we? Let’s meet for coffee is pretty much our big thing. Especially since we can’t. (Not to mention since we had our pandemic we have almost forgot that we used to actually go to the mall, or the park, or even on vacation.)
About coffee: The truth is most people are much more knowledgeable about coffee than me. It doesn’t even hurt my feelings. That I don’t know all those names. But I can learn, right?
All that Coffee Talk
By the way, if you’re interested in the subtle differences between the drinks, here’s a great article explaining coffee drinks.
And that’s not all, folks. If you really like coffee talk, read about French coffee language. The next best thing to being there, right?
Here’s more about that whole coffee/espresso/milk thing at Coffee at Three.
It’s all interesting and even educational.
Want to hear a sweet story? Now that I’m telling it, I’m kind of embarrassed. Some time ago, maybe even 20 years ago, I walked into a Starbucks to order a coffee. I ordered a Cafe Au Lait. The very kind young barista whispered the explanation and the correct phrase to me. Starbucks coffees are Italian names. Cafe Au Lait is French. 🤭 To order the exact drink there (even though it’s not on the menu), ask for a Caffe’ Misto.
Well, grazie and merci to her! And a big Georgia thank you! Now I know. Whoever that young woman was, I thank her for being kind and helpful, instead of condescending and disgusted. Kindness endures, people. We need to remember that!
Exactly What Is It?
So this is the new thing: Dalgona Coffee. It’s a whipped coffee drink that has been promoted recently.
You may have heard it called TikTok coffee, because some of the videos are circulating there. Look it up — videos, pictures, and rave reviews.
(And read carefully. Some videos and tutorials are hastily thrown together, using terms that aren’t correct or consistent. )
Big plus: you can do it yourself. That’s important during this season, right?
I’ll show you how. It’s SO easy!
If you want a little more info on methods and origin, check out Chocolate Covered Katie’s post on it. And she also tells you exactly how to make Dalgona (whipped) coffee.
And here you go: The instructions.

How To Make Whipped Coffee
You need an equal amount of instant coffee, regular granulated sugar, and hot water, then some milk. And it helps to have a little battery-operated frother.
Most of the instructions say two tablespoons of each. I have also used two teaspoons of each ingredient with identical results.
Get the water really hot, then stir with the instant coffee, then add the sugar, then whip it like CRAZY.
At first it just gets mixed. Then it gets a little thicker, then — something amazing happens.
It turns into a caramel-colored foamy whipped mountain that’s ten times the volume, and looks just beautiful.
Just seeing it develop is kind of mesmerizing.
I use a coffee frother for this. That is the easiest. But I’ve also done it with a whisk, which I considered to be my daily workout. I also tried it with the whisk attachment of my hand mixer. I got perfect results with each tool.
You need absolutely nothing fancy to make it, though there is some value in enjoying the ritual. For some reason, that shiny long-handled scoop is very pretty to me. So I guess it’s kinda fancy, right? (Even if it’s my daughter’s.)
Once it’s whipped nicely, add your milk. How much? Hmmm. The froth flavor is concentrated and strong. If you like that, try 1/2 cup of milk or less. If you like your flavor milder, use more milk to dilute it.
If you want a warm coffee drink, heat the milk before adding. If you want it cold, just pour it in cold.
In the videos the drink is left in beautiful layers. But I stir mine up and it all stays thick. It’s not a delicate foam. Spoon it over a glass of cold milk if you want.
And that’s really all you do! No big machine, no loud noise, no standing at the counter waiting for your name. Just your own lovely fancy coffee drink. With shugah!
You may not even miss going out! (Just kidding about that part. 😉)
What if you REALLY miss going out?
If you need the experience, I get it. If we can duplicate the drink, we can duplicate the experience!
Here’s what to do: just open a window and set it on the sill. Go out and get into your car, and drive around the house and pick it up. Then you’ve really gone out for coffee. Call your own name loud if you want to, to get that whole “it’s ready” vibe. 😄

More Tips
The first instruction I saw looked easy. Mix up the coffee, sugar, and water. But for some reason the coffee didn’t completely dissolve. So some tiny bitter dots in the foam kind of took away from the joy.
To improve my process, I tried measuring the coffee into the cup, then adding the really hot water, and mixing that up before adding the sugar. It was much better. The coffee completely dissolved, and then the process was exactly the same, with the same great results. I poured the milk into the foam and admired the frothy goodness.
I drank it cold, with a great big straw.
Then I drank one hot, because — well, because. (Research, right?)
(If you like iced coffee and you want to get really fancy, freeze some coffee in ice cube trays. Use these to make a cold coffee drink. Then your coffee doesn’t get diluted if you are making it last!)

You did it! You made Dalgona Coffee!
I’ve linked the tools and products below, in case you’re like me and want to see exactly what is being used. THANKS for taking the time to read about how to make whipped coffee!
Let me say this about instant coffee. Some of it is awful. In fact, the only kind (IMHO) to use is Taster’s Choice. It’s just coffee, no other ingredients, and the flavor is perfect.
If you’re after a treat also, consider making pound cake, or apple crisp, or carmelitas.
If you love a great coffee shop, try Queen Bee Coffee in McDonough. It’s everything great about coffee in one cute place.

Do it. Make the coffee, sit down, and call a friend. Find out what is going on with them. Serve up some laughter and encouragement, and tell them how special they are to you.
By doing that, you’re making things better. Thank you.

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Are you on Pinterest? That is a crazy fun place! You can find so many helpful things. Take a look at what I’ve saved for you! A lot of things that never make it to the blog. Here are my Pinterest pins, and I have lots of categories/boards if you’re looking for something specific.
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Tip of the week:
A coffee air freshener? 😯 Coffee lovers, look at this:
It’s a little bundle of coffee tied up in a pair of socks! Get the directions for this coffee air freshener! Made with coffee, socks, and a ribbon! I am not kidding.
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