July 20, 2023
How to pray for teachers. Maybe you just haven’t thought about it. But we should, shouldn’t we?
After all, having God’s blessing on the classrooms of our young is one of the most powerful things we could receive.

It comes for all of us, the first day of school. It arrives like a smirking villain, suddenly putting an end to our carefree days. Yanking that grassy summer rug from underneath our feet.
Tumbling us right into polished floors and noisy lockers.
Rigid schedules, wooden desks and tables, dings and bells and papers and routines. Announcements and crowdmurmurs and fire drills and new-smell vinyl lunch boxes.
Well, kids will always tell you in plain words that they aren’t happy about it.
But what about the teachers?
Maybe on some level they feel the same way. Their summer is ending, too.
But some things may surprise you. They surprised me.
A close friendship with a teacher when I was a young parent gave me a surprising window into her heart.
While she prepared with vigor for the promise of a good experience for her students, she struggled with something else.
What was it?
She was an experienced veteran teacher, one we were grateful to have. But she confessed that every year she had a time of anxiousness and trepidation during the pre-planning time.
She was nervous.
I was surprised, but I shouldn’t have been.
After all, she was spending 180 days with a couple of dozen impressionable little people who would be shaped by her influence. That’s a lot of responsibility. I’d be nervous.
She took it seriously and it showed.
But still — Who would have thought that teachers had anything resembling weak knees? You sure don’t see it when they’re on the job.
Makes you wonder…
They are caring for our children, but who is caring for them?
Maybe we’re on that team.
You and I are bringing their names before God’s throne of grace. He is caring for them, and we are coming into his presence to join in that caring.
So what we think and what we see isn’t the whole story. As usual, it’s more complicated.

Here’s the plain message:
See them through a lens of love, of appreciation, of encouragement. They are trained professionals, always trying to accomplish their purposes in what they say and do.
Pray for them.
I’ve got several prayers here for you, and I’m urging you to select one. Or check out the resources below. There are plenty more.
Save one of the prayers here — screenshot, copy it on paper, save it on Pinterest, send it to a friend — however you like to do it.
And let’s do this together, pray for the return to school.
Pray for teachers.

Within the walls of our schools, hearts and minds will be nurtured. In every moment, make your presence known in a mighty way.
Give more than enough courage, more than enough truth, and more than enough love. Help us to come alongside those who lead and serve in the schools with hearts of gratitude, with expressions of kindness, and with hands that help. May the days be blessed with growth in wisdom and love.
May we all hunger for your Word. Thank you, Lord, for those who invest in our children. How good you are to us, preparing our days before they arrive.
Excited to pray for teachers, students, and schools? Me, too. And guess what?
Somebody’s way ahead of us! An organization called Pray4Schools. Check out their site. You can actually join them each year in a community event. See if your Church is listed there? Even if they aren’t, you can join as an individual!
Link to more inspiration and prayers:
World Vision Pray for Teachers
For more thoughts on how to help teachers in practical ways, I always run to Room Mom Rescue.
What do I mean by practical ways? Well, it’s hard to see it from their perspective. Maybe…
Appreciating that teachers often use their own money to fund classroom activities. Ask if there’s something you can do.
Maybe sending supplies like tissues or pencils, or a nice pen when they ask (😉 or when they don’t).
Maybe responding quickly to those room mom requests.
Maybe encouraging a kind attitude from your child. One way to do this is keeping your opinions and disappointments to yourself. It’s gotta hurt when teachers hear children repeating their parents’ complaints.
I’m not picking on you. I promise. I’m just reminding you that everyone needs kindness and respect. And there you are, able to deliver it. 💖
You. Thanks for showing up here, and for caring.

Pray daily for teachers and students, that God’s presence will be known and his glory will be revealed.
It’s an investment you can make without any capital at all. Why? Because the cost of your investment was paid long ago.

Prayer is sometimes pushed to the tail-end of our to-do list. Especially keeping up with school schedules and all that goes along with it. Check out my Prayer Help For Busy Moms if you’d like some encouragement.
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