Have you ever gotten a deal so good, you wanted to mount it over the mantel? (Move over, deer heads. Look at this haul!)
Since I don’t have the time or money to do unlimited shopping, I have to make it count. Join me in finding bargains on the things you need for yourself and your family.

This page contains some of my favorite places to buy things. When you see a product in a post on my site, there is probably a link directly to that product.
Feel free to go straight to the store from here. Buy a gift for a friend, or something for yourself. Retail therapy is here for you. 😄
Let me give you an explanation of what it’s like to shop from my site. It’s a disclosure of my relationship with the sellers I promote.
When you click on a link that takes you to a product at a store, there’s a message to that store saying I sent you. If a purchase is made, they will thank me with a little reward. It doesn’t cost you anything. I can’t see your transaction. I just get a little “thank-you” from them.
It’s actually a really great way for them to advertise. Here’s why: I keep sending people, but I only get paid if someone buys something.
That’s the plain-language explanation. The official term is “affiliate marketing” which can almost be translated as “store promoting” in regular-person talk.
Here’s the longer and more detailed explanation.
One common feature of most blogs is that they promote products which might be of particular interest to the readers. This is done through a product link — you click on the product and go directly to the seller to purchase it. Some links are simply that: links.
Others are “affiliate links” which I want to explain.
The blogger [me] obtains permission from the seller [a store or website] to promote their product. The blogger is screened for qualifications and advised of the seller’s policies, and a contract is entered. In return for mentioning products or services, the seller may give the blogger a small commission when a linked item is purchased (or possibly free or discounted products) in return for that promotion.
The good news for the purchaser [you]: This does not increase the cost to the purchaser. It is simply one method of advertising, the cost of which has already been built into the price of the product. Stores are just happy someone sent you there!
The good news for the blogger: When these fees are received by the blogger (me) it helps to offset the administration costs of the blog, and possibly creates a profit for the blogger.
The good news for the seller: The seller (store) will only pay for the advertising if the product is purchased.
(You don’t really pay anything extra for my links, or billboards, or TV commercials. All those are in their budget for advertising expense.)
So in short, I’m promoting products I love, and sellers consider that valuable advertising.
Christianbook. This family Christian bookstore is so much more than books. We’ve gotten some of our favorite toys for the grandchildren here. They have a website that is easy to navigate, with lots of categories that make sense! A great selection of Christian home decor.
Grammye is a participant in the Christianbook Affiliates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Christianbook.
Amazon. Where would we be without this?
I’m an affiliate for Amazon. If you buy a product by going to Amazon from one of my links, they will reward me with a tiny gift for sending you there. It won’t cost you any more, but it does help me keep the blog expenses paid. Thank you.
Grammye is a participant in the Amazon Affiliates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.
Mary Kay. Yes, I love it. I don’t sell it, but I use it. If you don’t have a local representative, I can introduce you to mine.
You’ll never keep me away from Ulta or Sephora. But please don’t ever try to take away my Mary Kay.
Walmart. I’m old enough to remember before Walmart. When you couldn’t go to one store for milk, a vacuum cleaner, a bird house, and socks. How great is this? Their online marketplace is vast. Shopping has never been easier or more affordable.
Grammye is a participant in the Walmart Affiliates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Walmart.
Best Buy. Our “go-to” place for electronics. Look for links in my posts, or use the one below to go there now!
Go to Best Buy.com
Grammye is a participant in the Best Buy Affiliates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Walmart.
The Container Store. Everything organized. And some absolutely must-have items for travel and storage.
Go to The Container Store.
Grammye is a participant in The Container Store affiliate program, designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The Container Store.

Anytime you use a link to purchase a product, or anytime you buy one of my books or products, you help me to offset the cost of running the blog. It’s never expected, but always appreciated.
Thanks for shopping with me!