April 9, 2021
Ready to plan a beach vacation? Here’s help! The 3 biggest hurdles are budgeting, making reservations, and packing. These 3 organizing methods I’m sharing with you will make those tasks a breeze!

Plan A Beach Vacation Without The Stress
There’s a lot of excitement and anticipation in planning a family trip.
Unfortunately, your joy can be dulled by the massive amount of preparation that’s necessary. And who usually gets everything in order? Mom!
Mom is more than happy to do the thinking, right? But not all willy-nilly.
You need answers, Mom:
- What do people usually spend?
- What type of place is best for your family?
- And how can you be sure you remember everything?
If you want to know what it costs, how to find a place, and what to pack, you’re in the right place.
There are plenty of trip-planning articles you can find online, and many of them have excellent advice. In addition to what I have for you today, I recommend you do a little surfing (pun intended) to see which additional resources answer your needs best.
But today’s helper is where you start.
And what I have prepared for you is F-R-E-E-. That’s right, your own little e-book with printable organizing sheets and instructions (an e-book that costs nothing).
And it’s not fancy or intimidating. You won’t need an accounting degree or a computer education to use it.
The goal is to have you relaxing by the shore, because you planned well!

The budget.

I’ve got a framework for you that contains the cold hard truth. The real cost of renting a condo, the cost of getting there, the food, the incidentals. AND, it’s completely customizable. If you’ve got a better number for any category, simply change it! There’s helpful advice for the finances that will help you prepare for that perfect family trip.
Arranging a rental.

In the good old days, we just rented a room at the CheapBeach Motel. The sand piled right onto the concrete floor, and our K-mart swimsuits were still cold and wet when we put them back on the next day.
There’s a better way. A condo rental gives you plenty of beds, bathrooms, and a full kitchen. Also a washer and dryer. It’s an amazing way to enjoy a vacation, with lots more comforts than the CheapBeach Motel.
Don’t be intimidated by the choices. I’ll show you exactly how to find what you’re looking for, make the comparisons, and get it finalized.
Packing for the trip.

You don’t have to throw everything into a suitcase or a paper bag. I’ve got you covered — lists, containers, and methods. The list is completely customizable, and contains everything you need for your trip, including condo supplies!
It’s all in one place: A FREE e-book called My Vacation Planner. It’s a complete guide for your trip with all the advice and tools for budgeting, arranging a rental, and packing.
When we say it like that, it sounds easy. After all, it’s just 3 steps, right?
But if you’re planning for the first time, or planning for several people, you need some systems.
That’s the idea behind the guide — Systems to get you from the first idea to the beach, like a boss.

Good question!
Easy answer: It’s free if you’re a member/subscriber of Grammye’s Front Porch. 🙌🏼
If you aren’t a member yet, what are you waiting for? 😲
Didn’t you hear? We’re going to the beach! 🏖
Sign up and get the book. Inside you’ll find all the advice about making your plans. You’ll get the organizing tools I’ve mentioned, links to the editable worksheets, and recommendations for several helpful products that can make traveling easier.
P.S. If you’re already a subscriber of GFP, just scoot over to the Free Resource Library and get your copy! It’s on the shelf with all the Vacation Books!
“Signing up” simply means receiving e-mail from Grammye — you’ll get the planner e-mailed, and then you’ll also get an e-mail when each blog post is published, about once a week. You also will get access to the Free Resource Library, a collection of printable recipes, quotes, and other helps.
A Destination Guide is included in the planner which gives you a sneak peek at Hilton Head Island.
Sometimes you just need a little “insider guide” when you’re going somewhere new.
If that’s not your place, no worries. It’s just a little bonus.

If you’ve been around GFP a while, you may be feeling a little déjà vu. That’s because you’ve seen the Vacation series last year. Four separate posts covered Vacation Budget, Vacation Rental, Vacation Packing list, and a Destination Guide for Hilton Head Island.
Those four posts have now been rolled into one resource, along with some updates and extra help for you.
The original idea was to eventually create a one-stop resource for vacation planning that would be easily saved and used by regular everyday people.
After all this time, here it is!
Thank you! At GFP company is always welcome!
If you liked this topic 🤗, feel free to 👉 share 👈 on Facebook or Pinterest, or send a link to a friend.
Are you on Pinterest? That is a crazy fun place! You can find so many helpful things. Take a look at what I’ve saved for you! A lot of things that never make it to the blog. Here are my Pinterest pins, and I also have categories/boards if you’re looking for something specific. (For instance, Travel, anyone?😄)

You should check out this powerhouse packing system, the Eagle Creek Pack-It. The best way to see it is to go to the website (The Container Store) and watch the video.
I was in the store one day and saw a demo, and bought it right then. It has never disappointed me!
I’m Grammye, and I’m collecting and sharing ideas that can help you embrace the life you have.
When things are difficult, come here to refresh and relax. We’ll have coffee and talk.
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to the neighborhood of GFP.
Accept by signing up
and I’ll send you a letter right away.

What’s the tip of the week? Thanks for sticking around to find out!
It’s about laundry. About folding clothes. Here’s the tip:
When the dryer buzzes, get up and go there right that minute. Take every single item out right then, still warm, and lay it flat.
Use your ironing board, a table or shelf, or simply the clean top of the dryer. Lay every item out, with as few wrinkles as possible, and simply stack them up. A nice stack of warm flat clothes.
Line up the hem of shirts and be sure they are flat. Fold the collars down if you want.
This works well for knits or pants. Dress shirts won’t do well with this, so go ahead and hang them up.
Here’s what you might not like to hear: Do not pile them into a basket. Even if they are towels.
Later, when they are cool, fold them neatly. The warmth and the weight of the items will have pressed each item into a nice flat foldable item.
Not convinced? Here are the benefits:
- It’s much easier to fold unwrinkled clothing.
- You can fold each item to a similar size so that they can be easily placed in a drawer.
- Neat items in a drawer are easily found.
- They are unwrinkled when you wear them.
I’m not trying to go all Marie Kondo on you, but there’s actually a lot of wisdom in those methods. And surprisingly, a lot of peace. Maybe we need a post on just that!
Anyway, it’s mentioned today because it makes it so much easier to select and pack items for vacation. So just keep it in mind!
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