May 21, 2021
No time, no plan, and no supper. No worries. 3 quick supper ideas that almost look like you planned it! All the details to buy and prepare.

Quick Supper Ideas You Can Use!
You’re here! I’m so glad!
I hoped I would see you. I had my doubts. After all, over 7 billion people searched for this exact topic. Seven billion!
And there are answers.
Top 100, 45 Easy, 60 Best. All those lists of dinners.
I just wasn’t sure this post was necessary. After all, you can easily find an answer to your question.
Buuut, what if you’re like me: When you find a “quick meal idea” and read the recipe, you don’t usually cook with cod, or saffron, or radishes, or gruyere cheese. Something like that. So they are good ideas, but can’t be done right now.
I know you.
Oh, yes I do.
You’re going to run through the grocery store on the way home. And that is why we’re here!
Quick Supper Ideas — What To Buy
C’mon. It’s just me. Stop pretending you weren’t really going to the store. You have nothing at home. Not even bacon and eggs, not even white bread and a can of beans. Stop pretending. Oh wait. That was me pretending.
It’s this problem: We just can’t pick up fast food again. We feel judged.
Especially when you run through the drive-through at Burger King and the window lady asks where you were yesterday!
Your family wants food on a plate. A real one.
Here’s what to do.
Choose one of these three meals you can throw together quickly.
No claims about calorie counts or nutrition.
For each of the three meals, you should be able to grab the items for your quick supper with no buggy. If not, use a hand-held basket or a small buggy, and don’t get distracted. Look over the instructions here, know which area of the store you’ll run to, and be direct.
If you’re out of milk, obviously you need to get it on this trip. But don’t turn it into the whole grocery trip.
Also, if you think you have an item on this short list at home, but you’re not 100% sure, just get it.
Because — You’re running out of time!


Quick Easy Meal #1
BUY THIS: 1 ready-to-brown baguette. 1 package of refrigerated (or frozen) cheese ravioli. 1 jar of spaghetti sauce. 1 bag of salad. 1 bottle of dressing. 1 bag of shredded mozarella cheese. 1 bag of shredded cheddar cheese.
GO HOME: Put the ravioli into boiling water on the stovetop. Cook it about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 350. Lightly grease a casserole dish. Lay a sheet of foil on a sheet pan and place the baguette on it. Open the mozzarella cheese. Open the spaghetti sauce.
Layer the ravioli, spaghetti sauce, and mozzarella cheese in the casserole dish, ending with cheese. Put it into the oven for 30 minutes. If the cheese starts to brown, cover it with foil. Everything is cooked. You just need it warm and gooey all the way through.
While your ravioli casserole is cooking…
Get out your plates, glasses, forks and knives. Also napkins.
Clear the homework off the table. Also the dragon and his underwear and the Play-Doh crumbs.
Get out salad bowls and put a handful of salad into each. Top with shredded cheddar, salt and pepper, and a small amount of dressing. Put a prepared salad bowl at each place.
The last 5 minutes of baking the ravioli, turn the oven to 400 and put in the baguette to brown.
Get out your bread knife and a cutting board.
Put ice into glasses, set the table. Call the family. Take out the casserole and the bread. Slice the bread quickly on the cutting board. And butter the bread if you want.
Breathe. Dinner’s ready.

Quick Easy Meal #2
BUY THIS: Pre-made hamburger patties. Sliced cheese. Hamburger buns. Bag of chips. Fruit of your choice.
GO HOME: Preheat the oven to 350. Line two large rimmed cookie sheets with foil. Salt and pepper the burgers and place them on one of the pans. Burgers can be touching but must be single layer. Put into oven. Set a timer for 20 minutes. (When the timer goes off, flip them over onto a new lined pan and cook another 10-15 minutes).
Get out your ketchup, mustard, mayo, and chips. Slice an onion if you like. Open the pack of buns. Set the table.
You have a few minutes before the burgers are ready. Take that purse off your arm and step out of your heels. Pull on some stretchy pants and a T-shirt. Run back to the kitchen.
Top burgers with sliced cheese if you like during the last 5 minutes. Toast buns if you like, or don’t.
Call the family, eat up.

Quick Easy Meal #3
BUY THIS: Hot fried chicken from the deli (8-piece is common to find). 1 hot side dish if you want, whatever number of servings you need. 1 pack of ready-to-eat rolls. 1 container of ready-to-serve cut fruit.
GO HOME: Set the table. Put the hot chicken into your own dish, same with the hot side. Place the rolls in a dish or basket.
Actually you can skip all that with the dishes. Call the family as you open the containers. Try to get them to eat the chicken first. (If they have to eat something in the car, you want it to be the rolls.)
If they already have their ball uniforms on, loading up will be easy.

I see you.
Mom, you did it. And we all know how hard it is. You manage everything all day.
Let me tell you a couple of things:
If your child is a baby, do not worry about this whole supper thing. I promise your ability to cook returns. I vividly remember standing in the kitchen with a brand new baby, insanely curious about what I was supposed to do in that room. That knowledge eventually returns.
If your child is old enough to tell others how often you eat fast food, this plan should at least give you one night of eating on a real plate.
Try not to be embarrassed when it happens, your kids ratting you out like that. Smile brightly and say that you and your husband just LOVE fast food and can never get enough.
Actually, that little technique works out for so many situations: smiling enthusiastically instead of apologizing with embarrassment.
For some reason, people like to comment on your shortcomings.
They want to point out your greasy hair, your old paint-stained clothes, or your unpolished nails. Remember to smile brightly as you answer:
- I’m using this fabulous 3-day leave-in conditioner from my salon and I absolutely love the results.
- These sweatpants belong to my brother who is a painter in Madrid and I just love wearing them. Makes me feel close to him.
- I’ve just gotten to the place that I love skipping pedicures. It’s part of my minimalist plan. And my nails are so much stronger!
Sigh. Just kidding.
No need to lie, or make our companions feel bad. As usual, I’m trying to be funny, and trying to say something you already know:
Our vulnerabilities often give insulters a lot of power.
(Moms always find the quick road to feeling inadequate. If you know exactly what I mean, or if you don’t, check out the post on Mom Guilt.)
Important: Don’t let judgment from others get you off your game.
How do you deal with it?
Knowing this: Insults likely come from a place of pain in the sender.
Your response: Returning kindness bypasses the insult and soothes the heart. It’s not just kids who need a kiss for their boo-boo’s, is it? The people around you need some grace.
Our lives are a long way from perfect. They’re messy and scrambled.
But there’s another headline here. You know what your kids will remember?
Being loved.
They care way more about that than whether we make gourmet meals or have a perfect house.
Whoa. We’re way off subject, aren’t we? That’s how it goes on this porch. 😉
Anyway, it’s all about love, people. Or maybe it’s about “love people”.
What will they remember?

Let’s figure out what works for rushed evenings.
And you –What can you share in the comments without embarrassing yourself?
If you liked this topic, feel free to share on Facebook or Pinterest, or send a link to a friend. Are you on Pinterest? You can find so many helpful things there. Take a look at what I’ve saved for you! A lot of things that never make it to the blog. Here are my Pinterest pins, and I also have categories/boards if you’re looking for something specific.

Confession: My biggest supper stress comes from a failure to plan.
Today’s advice is kind of like knowing how to change a tire — you don’t need to do it every day. But it helps to know how when you need it!
Be prepared. (Now, make me go write that on the chalkboard 100 times.)
Thank you! At GFP company is always welcome!
If you liked this topic 🤗, feel free to 👉 share 👈 on Facebook or Pinterest, or send a link to a friend.
Are you on Pinterest? That is a crazy fun place! You can find so many helpful things. Take a look at what I’ve saved for you! A lot of things that never make it to the blog. Here are my Pinterest pins, and I also have categories/boards if you’re looking for something specific.

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I’m Grammye, and I’m collecting and sharing ideas that can help you embrace the life you have.
When things are difficult, come here to refresh and relax. We’ll have coffee and talk.

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Tip of the week: Thanks for sticking around for it!
When you DO go to the grocery store for the whole trip, make your list in sections. Produce, meat, deli, dairy, canned goods, etc..
Now, don’t say you don’t use a list. A list keeps you focused. Reminds you of all the things you use at home, and discourages impulse “try-it” things just because of their positioning or attractiveness.
When you’re standing in a department, everything you need from that area will be together on your list. So you won’t have to backtrack.
I actually save and print my list on an Excel spreadsheet. It has saved me so often. It’s a master grocery list. I print it, circle what I need, cross out what I have way too much of, and then head to the store. I’ll get the circled items, I won’t get the crossed-out items, and if there’s a fabulous stock-up sale I’ll get those things.
If anyone ever steals my purse, they’ll find a few of these folded up and stashed in a pocket inside.
Here’s my shopping list. You’ll see what I mean about sections.
Did you think of something to share in the comments? I’d love a good quick supper idea (or a good story to make me laugh)!
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