October 21, 2024
Who tells moms how much they are loved? The jelly-covered hands on their face for sure. But do you tell them?
Here are ten things to tell a tired mom, words moms want (and need) to hear. With no lengthy preamble.

Ten Things to tell a Tired Mom, #1:
I see you.
Mothering from sun-up to sun-down, and then from sun-down to sun-up. You have to. Because everyone around you is needy. Not selfish-gimme needy. Not lazy-coworker needy.
They are truly full of need. Play with me, hold me, comfort me, sing to me, lead me, explain to me, feed me, change me, wipe me, analyze my tears. You know it goes on and on.
I know, too.
I see you.

Ten Things to Tell a Tired Mom, #2:
So much. So very much.
I have been where you are. Hard days. Demands from every direction, lost sleep, and to-do-lists that reach to other planets.
Here’s the thing:
No matter what you have on your mind, your children know that you belong to them. They see your invisible mom-cape, and they rest in it. It’s you they run to, and it’s you they ask for. You are their superhero.
I admire you.
Ten Things to Tell a Tired Mom, #3:
Can the kids come play here for an afternoon?
Can I come and watch the baby while you take a long shower?
Can I meet you for coffee, or a walk?
I found a place with great shoe prices; what sizes do you need?
Help me figure out a way to make things easier for you.
What are you reading? Are you enriching your mind in stolen moments?
I want to help you.
Ten Things to Tell a Tired Mom, #4:
Praying for your joy, your success, and your future.
Praying that your children respond to your instruction as they grow, that your nurture guides them into a healthy lifestyle — for their bodies and their hearts.
Praying also for your challenges, questions, sadness and your discouragement, for your struggles. That each one fades as a step behind you, and that your eyes are opened to recognize comfort and change when it comes.
I am praying for you.
Ten Things to Tell a Tired Mom, #5:
Any time I keep the grandkids, I thank God for their mothers and fathers. And I’m not saying that tongue-in-cheek. I truly thank God for the devotion of the parents to their children.
There is no other human love that duplicates the parent-child relationship. The purpose, the patience, and the persistence. What we tend to take for granted every day is actually astounding.
I thank God for your love, for the future of your children, and for your wisdom.
I thank God for you.

Ten Things to Tell a Tired Mom, #6:
Stop. Really. Stop comparing, stop trying to please.
Make a decision to accept the criticism around you as simply an opinion. Put it where you put those Pinterest pins: Save it for later in case you want it, but until then you’re not doing it.
Moms are passionate about their goals and their intentions. And they share that passion with other moms for many reasons. To help others, to affirm their own choices, or to get feedback.
When it works that way, it’s wonderful.
But when it becomes judgment, it’s not.
Think deeply about your own goals and intentions, and act accordingly. No one said we have to match every other household on the street.
Stop worrying about others.
Ten Things to Tell a Tired Mom, #7:
You’ve heard it before. It can be so destructive.
When your focus is your own household, you don’t have the bandwidth to address the concerns of your current friend groups, your past friend groups, your work groups, your political groups, …you get the idea.
Preserve your focus and your energy for your family. It’s fine to share in the troubles and successes of others. It’s healthy and recommended. Up to a point.
And remember: Hiding behind a screen gives people a lot of encouragement to speak without grace. Don’t get slapped around in that arena, and don’t slap others around.
Use social media with caution.
Ten Things to Tell a Tired Mom, #8:
I’m not being shallow. I’m giving you a really helpful tip: We lead with our face.
It’s true. When you’re warning or admonishing, you get some courage and effectiveness from your facial expression.
When you’re soothing, the same thing happens. Your concerned face helps you communicate your heart.
Think about it.
When you’re indignant, your face shows it first.
Or when you’re surprised. Or doubtful. Or afraid.
But smiling. You don’t realize how deep that goes. It’s a fact that the act of smiling releases endorphins. Yes, smiling. Look it up if you want.
Smile alone, and see if you feel it. Smile when you wake up your babies. Smile when you drink coffee.
Is the happiness factory right in your own face? It really might be!
Smile often.
Ten Things to Tell a Tired Mom, #9:
That’s right. Count the successes, the tender moments, and the compliments. Remind yourself of the priorities you have as a mom. And increase your courage by doing so.
It’s like doing your own SWOT analysis, right? A look at Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats?
You have done this for work/business, right?
But when you manage your home, you don’t realize you’re doing a SWOT analysis just under the surface. Constantly running in the background, this may be the reason moms are so tired.
The big problem is we run it backward. Instead of SWOT, it’s TOWS. Here’s what I mean:
Threats get our attention in a big way. A desperate way. As a protective parent, we prioritize awareness of threats.
Opportunities are abundant, and sometimes stressful. Because we are limited in what we can do. They appear constantly. They get our attention and we stress over decisions.
Weaknesses are magnified and seem to overwhelm us. The knowledge of our responsibility, and the insecurities that never give us a break. Identifying our weakness is one thing. Dwelling on our weakness is another.
Strengths, assessing what we’re doing right. What’s working. We really don’t do this part very often. So please do. Please identify your strengths. Stop leaving it till last (or forgotten). Acknowledge the strengths you have, the strengths of your relationships, the strengths of your family members, and the strengths of your habits.
Encourage yourself.
Ten Things to Tell a Tired Mom, #10:
I wouldn’t be Grammye if I didn’t say to pray. And I’m not scolding you. I’m telling you that even beyond parenting years I still have this habit of wrestling for a long time with something before remembering the important thing.
Here it is:
That I have a Dad who never sleeps, who wants to protect me and guide me and provide for me. A Dad who can read my mind, who can see the future. A Dad who is a king. Of the whole world. And I can ask him anything and he listens.
He never ignores me, and he cares about everything I think, say, or do.
It almost sounds like a fantasy, and yet it’s not. It’s a real story that already came true.

Those are the ten things to say to a tired mom. There really should be a hundred.
I’m getting older. I see things differently now. But I promised myself I’d never forget the struggles of moms in each stage of parenting. That I wouldn’t just trade out my struggles and forget them, I’d remember the difficulties always. And I do.
Watching my precious grandchildren, I know the hearts of their mothers. And I’m saying I see you, I admire you, I want to help you, I’m praying for you, and I thank God for you. I’m saying it to my daughters.
If you are a mom, I’m saying it to you.
If you know a mom, I’m saying it to you to say to her. Which sounds sort of bossy and ungrammatical, two things I try not to be. 😄
If you see her often, tell her one thing. Then something else later. You don’t have to use all ten things to tell the tired mom in one day.

So, would you agree these are ten things to tell a tired mom? You’ve read them now. And I’m betting something resonated. Maybe you agree, or disagree. And that’s okay.
It got you thinking.
Did you read this topic as a mom? A grandmother? A friend?
What would you add? Let me know in the comments. It will be there to encourage the next reader. 😉
(If you’re wondering how I got so smart, don’t. Because I didn’t. Instead, please wonder how I got so caring. I’ll tell you.
I asked the Lord to make me caring. Then more caring. And then I read a bunch of stuff. And wrote it down, then I sent it to you.)
READ MORE if you like, just follow these links. Great topics to say more about the things you care about.
Comparing yourself to others. From A Woman Created on Purpose.
A look at social media when it comes to moms. From Christian Post.
Plenty of reasons to smile, what it really does. From Crosswalk.
Encouragement for tired moms. From A Mother Far From Home.
A little about SWOT. From Betterup.
So now what?
Care about yourself, your family, and others. Especially tired moms.
Make a phone call, send a text, write a note. Care, and then say you care.

There’s always more here on the blog for you if you want it.
If you struggle with prayer, I’ve got a series of topics that may help you (soon to be a little E-book).
There’s also a series of topics I call the “struggle series” about the common difficulties we face.
I’ve got a few activities for parenting and school that may be helpful.

By the way, 😎…
Some of the products mentioned as links on this page are affiliate links. That means a merchant may give me a tiny reward if you buy something I recommended to you.
Find out more about that here.
Looking for cards you can mail? I love to get my cards at Hobby Lobby. But I need some stocked up here, too. Revive Our Hearts has a set of beautiful note cards with meaningful messages.
If you’re shopping on Amazon, here is another beautiful set of Scripture note cards that are blank inside so you can write your own message.
If fancy cards are more your style, Papyrus makes beautiful boxed sets. So pretty it’s always a struggle to decide.
Thank you for visiting! At GFP company is always welcome!
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Are you on Pinterest? That is a crazy fun place! You can find so many helpful things. Take a look at what I’ve saved for you! A lot of things that never make it to the blog. Here are my Pinterest pins, and I have lots of categories/boards if you’re looking for something specific.
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Share. Really. Reach out to someone. Look in the mirror and smile. Tell someone they’re doing a good job. 😘 Even if it’s your own reflection. And try to remember at least one or two of the ten things to tell a tired mom.

This post may contain affiliate links. That’s a good thing. It means if you purchase a product I’ve highlighted, the seller may compensate me for that promotion. I love to share products that are a good value and make life easier. Those little commissions may add up, and can help to offset the cost of running the blog. Or maybe even create a little income. Click here to learn more about this.