November 5, 2021
What is The End Of The Matter? You wonder. I do, too. But in the end, the real end, it’s not in our hands. What is our part, in the end?

Worried About The End Of The Matter?
Are you tired of the fight for right? Tired of disregard for truth, and tired of feeling like a minority?
We’re seeing some powerful forces come at us, and they have some loyal supporters. They have money, power, and influence.
It looks like they could end it all.
Do this for me: Imagine right now the person or organization you feel is fighting the Church in the most public way. I’m doing it, too. I have someone in mind.
When you do that, your blood pressure rises, right?
Because they are promoting lies, evil, and destruction.
They are deaf to our testimony, and hostile to our way of life.
They can convince people to follow them, but it’s harder if we keep proclaiming truth. Jesus makes them mad and so do we.
We know that the Church will win in the end, but when it comes to those who persecute Christians in any way, we detest them.
As Americans, we don’t even like to use the word persecution for our situation. We reserve that word for those countries who actually execute believers. It is unthinkable, but true.
But we know that some people (some really close to us) are opposed to the Church, opposed to Christians. We see them, rising up to silence the believers.
From the first settlers of our country, seeking freedom to exercise their faith, we have now come to a time when others seek to eradicate that very faith and its presence in our society.
This wasn’t the future they risked it all for.
Something Changes
A minute ago, you and I each had someone in mind, a person, or the leader of an organization who is against the Church.
Imagine one more thing, and this will be much more difficult.
Let’s picture our people in these four acts.
- Imagine seeing them apologizing, confessing their error, and joining us in worshipping the same God we serve.
- Picture them imploring their former comrades to see the truth.
- Hear their words, describing an encounter with the risen Christ.
- Witness the change their public position, pronouncing their new faith, and denouncing their previous actions.
They might even say something like this:
“I don’t deserve to be included in that inner circle, as you well know, having spent all those early years trying my best to stamp God’s church right out of existence.”
You know who did say that? Paul. Formerly Saul, killer of Christians. He confessed this publicly in the middle of a sermon! (It’s in Acts 15.)
WHY? You have to go back to Acts 9 to see the moment everything changed.
And falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.”
A prominent person, persecuting the Church, encounters Christ himself. He gets tapped on the shoulder by the most powerful one.
And he turns to those he hated and says sorry. He switches parties, and joins the campaign for his former enemy.
The Unexpected Thing
I don’t know about you, but this is just hard to picture. And yet, it happened.
No one predicted it. Everyone was surprised by it.
And no human effort was required to make it happen.
Why is it that we pretend the invisible God is inactive and impersonal?
We do that, with full knowledge that the opposite is true. God is active and personal. He sure was in this instance!
He went directly to the strong opponent without any warning, and changed his heart.
That’s Not What We Expected
There was no televised debate, no public poll, no wrestling match, no World Series. There was no duel, no court case, and no corporate takeover.
That’s right. While everyone was looking the other way, God did something all by himself.
No forecaster predicted it. No conspiracy theorist leaked it.
Torment About The End of the Matter
There is so much buzz about our situation. It’s awful, and could get worse. And plenty of folks will stand up to tell us what’s bad, what’s worse, and what’s ahead.
We are hard at work, carefully listening for the best news sources, and we are even asking questions about end times.
We are watching every move the enemy makes, and making sure our neighbors are, too.
We wonder endlessly how it will all play out. We dread the carnage and the decline, and we frustrate ourselves trying to fight battles.
When the truth is this: The end of the matter is in the hands of a mighty God.
Here’s a question: Is all the torment because we don’t like being squeezed? Or is it deeper: That we don’t trust God to come through?
It’s an important question. Because it determines how you think and act during these times of oppression.
Solomon did his best to sum up how to think and act.
From Ecclesiastes Chapter 12
The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.
What The Bible Says
The Bible is God’s letter to his people. It’s the only one that will ever be. There won’t be another.
And so many things point us to Scripture and truth. If you want wisdom, you’ll find so many people (and resources) who lead us back to the Bible.
There will be artwork and music to magnify God’s word. There will be illustrations to help us see how it fits in our lives so perfectly.
There will be students of the Bible, ultimately leaders and teachers who help us uncover its treasures.
There will be stories, and experiences. Times in our lives when our eyes are opened to the presence of the invisible God working in our midst. Times when the truth of God’s word is real in our lives.
Times when someone lays it out for us in a new way.
Like in The Chronicles of Narnia. Do you love that series? This is from The Horse And His Boy, when Aslan reveals his presence:
“I was the lion.” And as Shasta gaped with open mouth and said nothing, the Voice continued. “I was the lion who forced you to join with Aravis. I was the cat who comforted you among the houses of the dead. I was the lion who drove the jackals from you while you slept. I was the lion who gave the Horses the new strength of fear for the last mile so that you should reach King Lune in time. And I was the lion you do not remember who pushed the boat in which you lay, a child near death, so that it came to shore where a man sat, wakeful at midnight, to receive you.”
It’s a story, an allegory. Why do I love this one passage so much? Because God always comes to me and says “I was the lion.”
I fail to see it in the moment.
Do you? Do you get the message way later? See the hand of God when it is a whole different chapter?
Still, if God is my lion, protecting me even outside my awareness, I have to remember that Satan is also prowling like a lion, looking for someone to devour.

GOD will fight for you
You know what? I can’t fight a lion. I am not equipped.
I have to let my lion fight the enemy lion. And we know this: my lion is bigger.
Exodus 14:14 says this:
The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.
I don’t have to argue, or convince, or shout. Because when the matter has ended, God will say, “I was the lion.” It will be God who defended me, God who protected me, and God who saved me.
Even if I didn’t see the battle.
In 2 Kings 6, this happened:
An army with horses and chariots was all around the city. And the servant said “Alas, my master! What shall we do?”
He said, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them. Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord, please open his eyes that he may see.” So the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw, and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
As the enemy surrounded him, and the fear rose in his throat, God revealed his power: I am the lion.
You know why we keep struggling to get a handle on who God is? Because he is everything. Too big to imagine, too powerful to oppose, too wise to be understood, too holy to be known.
When he told Moses to tell the people “I AM sent me to you” it was because he’s everything. You can’t know. I can’t know. All we can do is acknowledge that he is everything, and cannot be compared to us.
Read Scripture A New Way
To bring more of our attention to this reality that he is everything, we can emphasize God’s name when we read Scripture.
Read these next two passages of Scripture slowly — the one from Job, and the one from Daniel.
Only try something different this time:
Read with the emphasis on God. That means every time it says “God” or “he” or “his” or “him” or “you,” place the emphasis on that word, as if it were in all caps.
I’ll underline them to give you a hand.
From Job Chapter 12
“With God are wisdom and might;
he has counsel and understanding.
If he tears down, none can rebuild;
if he shuts a man in, none can open.
If he withholds the waters, they dry up;
if he sends them out, they overwhelm the land.
With him are strength and sound wisdom;
the deceived and the deceiver are his.
He leads counselors away stripped,
and judges he makes fools.
He looses the bonds of kings
and binds a waistcloth on their hips.
He leads priests away stripped
and overthrows the mighty.
He deprives of speech those who are trusted
and takes away the discernment of the elders.
He pours contempt on princes
and loosens the belt of the strong.
He uncovers the deeps out of darkness
and brings deep darkness to light.
He makes nations great, and he destroys them;
he enlarges nations, and leads them away.
He takes away understanding from the chiefs of the people of the earth
and makes them wander in a trackless waste.
They grope in the dark without light,
and he makes them stagger like a drunken man.
From Daniel 2
“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,
to whom belong wisdom and might.
He changes times and seasons;
he removes kings and sets up kings;
he gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to those who have understanding;
he reveals deep and hidden things;
he knows what is in the darkness,
and the light dwells with him.
To you, O God of my fathers,
I give thanks and praise,
for you have given me wisdom and might,
and have now made known to me what we asked of you,
for you have made known to us the king’s matter.”
Is this what we’ve been doing wrong, putting the em-PHASS-sis on the wrong syl-LABB-le?
In other words, if we are to learn more about God, we have to put the emphasis on him.
I Confess
I confess, I often go to Scripture extremely hungry. I open all kinds of doors, looking for something to feed my need. I want an answer to a burning question, and if it’s not there, I turn the page.
I can’t believe I just told you that.
It looks so selfish. So opposite of worship, so opposite of seeking God. So self-serving.
Why would I not be looking for the one who loves me? Who protects and shelters me, who equips me, and who takes me home?
When I’ve done that, when I have looked at God and his mighty power, God with his endless love for me, then I can start rummaging through those places for my needs.
He wouldn’t have sent me the whole thing if it weren’t helpful in all things, right? The Bible isn’t my Google. It’s my letter from the one who loves me.
He knows that my love and knowledge will grow if I just read it over and over, every day of my life. I know that, too.
So many of us conduct our lives with the idea that Christ is the back-seat driver, always intervening to correct our mistakes. But really, he is the Captain of the plane in which we are carried, fully responsible for keeping us aloft.
If we can correct how we see ourselves before God, we will also correct how we pray.
Like praying for things to change.
Pray For Change
So sure, we want things to change around us. We want the power to shift back to “the right people.”
And already you see the error in that. The power isn’t in us. Evil is a lion.
And God will fight it.
Finding that truth is comforting, settling, calming. That God is in control.
But there’s a second part of the picture. It’s our part. The instructions for us.
And we don’t like it. We want to be excused from this one.
Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
These are the words of Jesus from Matthew Chapter 5. (Reading the whole chapter is important, and I want you to. Later, come back and click the link.)
But right this minute we have this one thing under the microscope: Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.
Don’t turn the page. Stay a few minutes under this command, and let God speak to you.
Be silent, and read this:
“Lord, we pray that instead of lusting for pure evil, they would hunger and thirst for Your purity and righteousness, become advocates of Your justice and that their warring spirits would be changed into peacemaking. Remove the façade of well-being; tear down the lies that have deceived them; and hedge their ways until they can see no way out but up.” *
Isn’t that what was demonstrated to Saul? God went directly to the strong opponent without any warning, and changed his heart.
What more would we want?
Pray For Change In Their Hearts
We should pray they have an encounter with Christ. Pray that they they join us, that they worship the God we serve.
And yet… I see you. I see me.
Are we praying for our enemies in that way? Praying that God calls to them?
Honestly, often I’m not. I suspect you also struggle with praying for your enemies to be “saved.”
Instead, our selfish hearts often seek revenge, for evil to be punished. Give them what they deserve! Expose their crimes against God, and take away their ill-gotten gain.
For other people, right? Certainly we don’t want punishment for ourselves. We’re the righteous ones.
That’s how our human minds roll, right?
But we aren’t righteous. We’re forgiven and rescued.
Why wouldn’t we ask God to do for them what he does for us?
- Come to us
- Rescue us
- Forgive us
- Save us
- Transform us.
Every one of us lives under the consequences of our sin. Either we have lost a relationship, or a privilege, or money, or freedom. Our world is a human society, and order dictates our behavior. There is worldly payment or even punishment for the sins in this society.
The point? That time-out, being grounded, traffic tickets, and even jail are deterrents and corrective measures for defying authority. Those measures are here to protect us and the people around us. They are connected to the rules that govern us.
But eternal punishment is something more.
Eternal punishment. That’s for those who continue to love the darkness, who reject correction, who reject Christ.
All the poverty and prisons in this world will not compare to eternal punishment.
Pray For a Change In Our Hearts
My journey is more complex than figuring out what other people need to do to “get right.” It has to do with admission of my own unworthiness, acknowledgement of the mercy I have received.
And something else: the kind of love that wants this for others.
That’s the message Christ constantly works to drive home — with illustrations, allegories, and direct teaching. Demonstrating with his death the love that sacrifices for the benefit of others.
* That beautiful prayer showcased above is actually much longer. I want to show you the whole thing here: A Powerful Prayer for Your Enemies by Rebecca Barlow Jordan at Crosswalk. The whole topic she has written is clear and eye-opening.
To read it is a blessing. It gets your wheels out of the ditch and back up on the highway.
Are We To The End Of The Matter?
And speaking of highway, today has been a long ride, hasn’t it?
Like a 20-minute hayride that unexpectedly takes you through the woods for an hour.
All that talk kind of makes you appreciate Solomon, doesn’t it? (Fear God, and keep his commandments. That’s all.)
Here we are near the end, with the wagon pulling back into the driveway of the farm that’s home. Thanks for going with me.
In a few minutes, you’ll be done. You’ll hop out and go your way.
Below, you’ll find “To Sum It All Up” with 6 points to remember and 3 questions.
Maybe you’ll keep thinking about this. Kind of like that sweet smell of hay and the feeling of being in the quiet night air of autumn.
You. Thanks for being here. Please be sure to look at the topics I linked to. Because they are way better than what I’ve been able to say.
The one above: A Powerful Prayer for Your Enemies by Rebecca Barlow Jordan at Crosswalk.
And one more I’ll tell you about in a second: Overcome Evil with Go(o)d.
To Sum It All Up
- I need to understand that evil occurs within the confines of what God allows.
- I must remember I’m not in charge of the eradication of evil.
- I must recognize God fighting my battles.
- I have to learn to seek God and his purposes in Scripture, not simply seek comfort for my longings.
- I will pray for my enemies, that their hearts will change.
- My whole duty is to fear God and keep his commandments.
- Do you know that God fights for you?
- Can your trust in him to overcome your fears?
- Do you have someone to study Scripture with you? If you want quality resources, keep reading. I’ve got a list for you.

The End Of The Matter
As I was preparing the conclusion of this post, I received an e-mail from Marissa at “Like An Anchor” with her latest post. Which exposed my whole heart. Everything she said so beautifully just washed over me.
As it often turns out, someone else has written the post I wish I had. Please read her very accurate description of our tendencies and God’s power in Overcome Evil with Go(o)d. You can read it and come right back here. Or I’ll link to it one more time at the very end.
From Ecclesiastes Chapter 12
The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.

This post today is the unexpected ending to a series of posts about Indoctrination.
First was Is Indoctrination Good or Bad?
Second, Have You Been Indoctrinated?
Third: The Looming Danger of Indoctrination.
If you haven’t read these, I urge you to visit them. Each article focuses on helping you to recognize how easily our minds are taken captive if we are not anchored firmly in God’s word and a Biblical worldview.
More information on worldview? Check out Why Is My Worldview Important?
And here are the resources I promised:
Some amazing online resources:
These are things you can enjoy just once, or every day. Look when you want, or have them sent to your inbox.
Revive Our Hearts, “Prayer In A Time of Crisis.” This is a podcast, so you can listen, but the text of the message is also printed if you prefer to read.
Proverbs 31 Ministries, Daily Devotions. You can sign up to receive daily devotional emails if you like. Or just read them online.
Grace to You, John McArthur, Daily Devotions. Again, available by e-mail, or going to the site.
Leading The Way, a ministry of Dr. Michael Youssef. Daily devotions and more.
If you want something in your hands instead of an online resource, here are a few suggestions:
Valley of Vision, a collection of Puritan Prayers.
One Minute Inspirations for Women, by Elizabeth George.
Choosing Gratitude, by Nancy Leigh Demoss.
Loving God With All Your Mind, by Elizabeth George.
If you’d like to start daily Bible reading, you’ll find plenty of daily Bible reading plans.
- Bible Study Tools has one.
- Also ESV has a daily plan.
- See what John MacArthur says about a plan.
These plans often arrange the reading to get through the entire Bible in 365 days.
Or simply start, just reading 1-2 chapters a day. No one says you have to read the whole Bible every year. Well, some people do.
We all can agree on this: It is wise to read a little Scripture every day.
I love to read. The quote above (“I was the lion”) came from the third book in the “Narnia” series. Chronicles of Narnia Boxed Set.
My confession to you: I read these as an adult, and thoroughly enjoyed them. I bought the whole set in paperback. And when the grandchildren are a little older, I’ll enjoy reading it to them.
Michael Youssef, in Hope for This Present Crisis:
“The message of the kingdom of God won’t win any popularity contests. But it is the truth, and we need the courage to defend God’s truth boldly and without compromise. We must stop chasing after the approval of this fallen world. Jesus never compromised the truth to win people over.”
Voddie Baucham in Fault Lines:
“I wrote this book because I love God more than life, the truth more than others’ opinion of me, and the Bride of Christ more than my platform. My heart is broken as I watch movements and ideologies against which I have fought and warned for decades become entrenched as the highest and most respected levels of evangelicalism. I want this book to be a clarion call.”
Ginger Hubbard, author of Don’t Make Me Count To Three: Through personal experience and the practical application of Scripture, Ginger Hubbard encourages and equips moms to reach past the outward behavior of their children and dive deeply into the issues of the heart.
Owen Strachan, author of Christianity and Wokeness:
Editorial review: As the ideology of wokeness spreads like gangrene throughout many churches, we need men who will stand and speak the truth in a way that is able to win minds and hearts. Owen Strachan delivers on this great need in his latest book. With the mind of a scholar, Owen defines wokeness with great care and addresses the serious nature of its worldly ideology.
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Remember: We don’t have to supply all the answers. We only have to live the goodness of God in this dark world. If you didn’t read Marissa’s post on Overcoming Evil yet, please take a minute now. It will refresh your heart and renew your strength for the battles ahead.
And also be sure to read A Powerful Prayer for Your Enemies by Rebecca Barlow Jordan at Crosswalk.
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