March 31, 2022
The Great Reset. What’s really going on in the dark recesses where the world powers meet?
Is the whole earth at the mercy of the decision makers?
Well, it depends.

Standing there, in a gymnasium full of families, I fought back tears and stood firm with my hand on my heart, trying not to think.
I wasn’t able to fully relax (like those fidgety little boys who were learning that there are no tackles in basketball).
I did not whisper to a neighbor or even make eye contact during the song.
It was all I could do to keep my emotions in check, and not let the tears escape.
I was filled with sadness, seeing something on the horizon in my heart: the view of something of value being taken away.
As the American flag was displayed and the National Anthem played through the PA system, most stood solemnly, a few sang softly, and everyone cheered when it ended. After all, it was time for the game.
I cheered, too. But the sad track was still running.
Are you with me?
“Where Did It All Go?”
I’m afraid we will soon be asking this question about a nation that disappeared. We’re already asking it about most things, anyway.
Some days, I feel like the American people are taking their cues from George McFly, from Back To The Future.
Biff, the bully, is approaching, saying he will take our country, our freedom, our faith, and our good sense.
And we meekly hold it out and murmur, “Ummm, okay.”
We meekly give up our freedom, our faith, and our good sense to the rogues who stuff their pockets with our earnings and inflate their egos with our submission.
The Great Reset
There’s something going on, something that was shared/explained to me.
I want to be sure that you know about “The Great Reset” and I think Glenn Beck does a good job of describing it.
“An international conspiracy between powerful bankers, business leaders, and government officials; closed-door meetings in the Swiss Alps; and calls for a radical transformation of every society on earth—the Great Reset sounds like it is one henchman-with-an-eyepatch away from being the plot for the next James Bond movie.
But the Great Reset is not a work of fiction. It is a highly influential movement among the world’s elite to “reset” the global economy using banks, government programs, and environmental, social, and governance metrics. If they are successful and the Great Reset is finalized, it would put substantially more economic and social power in the hands of large corporations, international institutions, banks, and government officials, including Joe Biden, the United Nations, and many of the members of the World Economic Forum.”
It’s sobering, the truth about this long-in-the-works plan.
Go ahead and read about
- The Great Reset,
- or about the World Economic Forum,
- or about Klaus Schwab,
if you haven’t already.

Then read this.
The Real Reset Is Coming
If you haven’t read the recent article by Victor Hanson, maybe you need to. It’s called Hanson: The Real Reset Is Coming.
Here’s an excerpt:
“The prophets of the new world order sowed the wind and they will soon reap the whirlwind of an angry public worn out by elite incompetence, arrogance, and ignorance.”
That’s only one choice of many excerpts I could have shared with you here, and I urge you to read the rest. It’s strongly worded, and needs to be. The whole article takes less than two minutes to consume.
See for yourself what he says about the November mid-term elections. The article is a brief birds-eye view and frankly is encouraging.
And Another Thing…
You know what else is encouraging?
Worship. You know it, too, don’t you?
When you’re in the trenches of worry, worship is usually the last thing on your mind, right? We are increasingly consumed with the “what ifs” and the imagined results, including our own response.
When I spend any time at all envisioning what could “go wrong” on the road ahead, there are things I must do in response. Do you have a similar protocol? Here’s what I mean.
- I first need to ask if I am merely troubleshooting a course to plan properly. Troubleshooting is an important part of planning. It just doesn’t need to advance to worry.
- Second, I need a firm emotional control over any fear or uncertainty. No hand-wringing or lamenting over imagined events.
- Third, I need to remember who owns me. It’s not an afterthought; it’s part of the process. My owner has knowledge of who I am, and an expectation of what I do.

I worship. You do, too. We worship in spite of what we see.
Even if it’s discouraging. Even if it looks hopeless.
The Great Reset That Shouldn’t Be
In tiny incremental steps, we have traveled from truth to unconventional concept to pressured practice and to absolute law.
Law enforces the false ideas that crept into classrooms like serpents.
Radical ideas about persons and practices have found their place in court, forcing people to accept punishment for living a conscientious life according to faith and moral principles.
Human beings throughout the world are tortured for thought violations, and we stand by silently.
Meanwhile, activists command the world stage as they attempt to force bakers to make them a cake.
It sounds like an imaginary story, but it’s not.
Somebody went to court because they wanted another person to write their agreement on a cake, even though they didn’t agree.
(Where’s the kid at the end of the story who says the truth? Shouldn’t he be here by now? “Why must this baker write the words?“)
It’s not the cake, right? It’s the person. The customer, with the demand and the money. The person with an identity they wanted recognized.
Suddenly identity is everything, even imagined identity.
How has the concept of identity been so kidnapped by culture?
So kidnapped that it’s possible identifying gender at birth will someday become illegal. That is, of course, if babies aren’t executed in that moment.
How did so many people and things get so tangled up?

Have we become expressionless wooden beings, benignly looking on as laws and ideas get so tangled up that their value is lost.
It’s a mess.
Where do we go?
First, to worship. It sounds like a disconnect but it’s definitely not.
There is a song that urges me to kneel whenever I hear it played.
Does it have a similar effect on you?
The (Not So) Great Reset
Look, it’s scary. Scary when things get done around me, over my head, and I feel I am captive.
It’s scary when I see the money and the power and the intellectuals laughing at my meager earthly influence.
It’s scary when I see people suffer.
Are those the things that get you frowning?
But God.
It’s the thing we can’t forget.
This is exactly when he shows up.
While we are huddled, fretting and worrying and whispering among ourselves.
Do we want God’s power to work in us? Do we want to take back our freedom, our faith, and our good sense?
Why are we afraid to say it?
We are reluctant to step forward and say the true thing.

Our culture has lost its mind. Now, we are waging a bigger fight — a war for our soul.
Is it possible our world has gone mad? We are under siege and the war is not from without; it is from within. The collapse of the Roman Empire occurred in a single generation and was not so much the result of invasions by their enemies but the result of moral decay and internal corruption. Similar patterns are emerging in America. We neglected or abandoned our traditional institutions long ago, but now it’s time to take them back.
– Michael Youssef
We can all remember times in our lives when we buried our heads in the sand, times when we stepped into the shadows to avoid a confrontation, or times when we moved out of a conversation that got uncomfortable.
But as believers, as kingdom heirs, can we ignore those who would seek to suppress the truth?
Be sure you are paying attention.
Be sure you are kneeling.
And be sure I am.
There are people praying, people paying attention. Are we among them?
And are we willing to wait for the Lord? Willing to wait expectantly?
Here’s a quote from a very helpful article addressing our anxiousness and the power of prayer:
“What we often want is an immediate response or action to address a problem, but prayer requires us to wait in dependence on the Lord. “
That’s from Elizabeth at InstaEncouragements, 3 Prayers for the Anxious Heart. That’s a great spot to find a good place to put your feet — solid truth. Please take time to enjoy the message of this topic.
It’s exactly what you need when a threat is looming ahead that looks like defeat.
God’s People Together
Historically that ‘time of looming threat’ has been when God has watched to see if his people will turn to him.
In this political climate, some have suppressed their witness, some have slipped into heresy, and some have abandoned the faith altogether.
When we feel like our nation’s leaders have moved on, creating an “us-and-them” arrangement, we believers need to remember who our God is.
When they are full of their own power and wealth, we believers are full of the power and riches of God.
I can say that in my head, but when I ask my voice to follow, or my feet to move, there is fear.
I’m admitting that plainly to you now, because it’s true. I experience fear. It’s time for my 3-step plan, right?
- Troubleshoot
- Maintain emotional control
- Remember my owner.
Because my owner has a strong message for me in 2 Timothy 1:7:
“ for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”
Additionally, God has surrounded me with strong Christ-followers: I know that another believer beside me will be an encouragement, a reminder, and a companion. A nation under God is a nation of strength.
Conversely I will be an encouragement, a reminder, and a companion to someone else. If I am willing.
I have to be willing to face truth by engaging in conversation about truth.
I have to listen to those who teach me, and I have to speak to those who ask me.
Reset your Encouragement
As believers, it’s important to keep up with things. I have people around me who want to talk about these things, and I’m grateful they are paying attention.
Glad they are my community.
You know who else is my community?
You are. You are among the encouragers in my life. I am grateful for you, speaking truth into my life.
It’s not just here. It’s all your “communities.” Look around you and see who the encouragers are. And see who needs an encourager.
We should be saying it all the time:
I trust in the steadfast love of God.
For you today, a free scripture printable. It’s 8 1/2 x 11 and you can click on it to print. (If you think of it later, it will be in the Subscriber Resource Library.)
Here are some reading resources to encourage you. Quite literally, to give you courage.
Michael Youssef, in Hope for This Present Crisis:
“The message of the kingdom of God won’t win any popularity contests. But it is the truth, and we need the courage to defend God’s truth boldly and without compromise. We must stop chasing after the approval of this fallen world. Jesus never compromised the truth to win people over.”
Voddie Baucham in Fault Lines:
“I wrote this book because I love God more than life, the truth more than others’ opinion of me, and the Bride of Christ more than my platform. My heart is broken as I watch movements and ideologies against which I have fought and warned for decades become entrenched as the highest and most respected levels of evangelicalism. I want this book to be a clarion call.”
Owen Strachan, author of Christianity and Wokeness:
Editorial review: As the ideology of wokeness spreads like gangrene throughout many churches, we need men who will stand and speak the truth in a way that is able to win minds and hearts. Owen Strachan delivers on this great need in his latest book. With the mind of a scholar, Owen defines wokeness with great care and addresses the serious nature of its worldly ideology.
What response have you had to the growing concerns of our world?
Who do you talk to about prayer for our nation and for our world?
Can you contribute to the discussion in the comments below?

Were you here for the posts about Indoctrination?
Is Indoctrination Good or Bad?
The Looming Danger of Indoctrination.
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Be sure we are praying.
Be sure we are worshiping.
Be sure we are kneeling.
Be sure we are communicating.
Every year in the Spring, the WEF assembles in Switzerland. The admission price is expensive, but attendees pay willingly.
What is it that we will be discussing when we meet with our Father during that week? (The God of the Universe discussing his plans.) Come and meet him. Bring your Bible. Admission was extremely costly, but has been paid.
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Thank you for speaking out about this dangerous shift. The Great Reset is in motion. But it can be stopped. We all need to be “Paul Reveres” right now. If we do not pay attention and take action, we will fall just as other countries have fallen.
You are so right. My “busyness” factor has created plenty of room for information to bypass my ears. I am so grateful for those who offer time to talk, time to raise awareness, and time to receive those “awakening” messages. Speaking out happens when we live in community and take a focused interest in the lives around us. Thank you for spending time with us here, and taking that focused interest.
What a great post! Thanks for featuring Elisabeth’s post from InstaEncouragements!! 🙂
Thanks for your kind words. I keep going back to Elisabeth’s topic, especially because of the words about humility and the things we cannot change. Grateful to you, one of the believers beside me.