October 22, 2021
What is the looming danger of indoctrination? A huge void, a terrible breach, the absence of logic, and a faulty foundation. It is a threat to you and your children.

The Looming Danger of Indoctrination
If you’ve been hanging around, you’ll know that indoctrination has been a focus. First, an exploration of whether it was good or bad, and then the question of whether it has happened to you.
Why shine this light on indoctrination for so long? And why wasn’t the danger of indoctrination mentioned in the last topic?
Because it’s time to face the truth about a crime that has been committed.
(I assure you, a huge crime is being committed right now.)
We aren’t changing what’s happened, but we are looking at it in the bright light of knowledge, to fully understand the practice and the effect.
Because there is absolute danger.
And there’s something else. Today, when I pull back that curtain, you’ll see something awful.
It’s so ugly that I need to warn you of the graphic nature of some of the language. It’s a brief quote, but I want you to be prepared. Is it okay for me to say it here on the blog? NO. Absolutely not.
But the people who want to present it to elementary school students are counting on my discretion to keep their plan secret.
So today, I’m not very discreet. (I’ll give you a heads-up when you’re there.)
But first, a look at the sad reason these things can even get any traction. The lies you are being told, the destruction that is looming.

Is Indoctrination Dangerous?
Well, there is certainly a lot of talk about that online. A lot. Plenty of passionate talking about it.
And I want to say this right up front: Some of this talk breaks my heart.
This is why we’re here today. You and I. Looking at this idea. Because this is where the danger first appears.
The online talk reveals a terrible breach. Sure, it’s about the danger of indoctrination.
But it’s deceptive. That’s right — It’s misleading, and you might miss it if you didn’t have the truth.
Today I will show you a huge void in reasoning, a black hole in belief systems.
You will see the absence of a logical position that should be obvious.
This look reveals the presence of faulty foundation that is not capable of supporting a position.
Here. Tell me if you see it:
On Indoctrination…
“I believe in God, yet my 17 year old does not.”
“The thing my parents never did was tell us to believe in God or Jesus or any particular set of views.”
“I consider indoctrination to be harmful… I was told that if I didn’t believe in God, I was going to burn in hell for eternity when I died… My mother is a wonderful mother, but indoctrinating me into religion was the biggest mistake she made in raising me.”
“I was raised by intelligent and very loving parents who also happened to be dedicated christians… My mother always went to church and my brother and I attended up until around the age of 8 when we were given the option to decide for ourselves.”
You see it, right?
How can this be okay?
- Your own child does not belong to Christ, and you’re okay with that?
- You’re praising your parents for withholding the most important truth, the one about life and death?
- You’re offended because your mother told you the truth about eternal life and eternal damnation?
- At age eight you were permitted to make a decision abut your destiny?
I don’t know how else to say it:
This is the whole reason for the indoctrination series — the idea that children should be left open to the ideas of evil as their belief system.
That’s the heartbreak.
That loving parents would place the hearts of their young children in the hands of the world and trust that only good teaching will prevail.
Who Decides What To Teach Children?
Well, shouldn’t their parents do it? Our society embraces it. Up to a point.
We teach our children to hold our hands when crossing the street. Good parents warn them of stranger abductions that threaten the vulnerable. Mothers give them vitamins and feed them fruit, and encourage them to eat their vegetables.
Children are taught to tie their shoes, to use the toilet, and to read. They are taught to recite their home address or a parent’s phone number. They develop the dexterity to use crayons and chalk and pencils.
Toddlers learn the alphabet and how to count to twenty. They proudly name basic colors. They can operate electronic devices as toddlers.
We want them to know what is best, what is safe, and how to get to the best outcome.
We patiently instruct, demonstrate, and assist, praising each achievement.
Parents are applauded and encouraged in all these endeavors.
And yet…
For the only outcome that really matters in the end, we suddenly see parents step back and guiltily repress truth.
You know.
If parents teach Biblical truth to their children, they are ridiculed, shamed, and even threatened.
You do know, don’t you?
When we respond to that kind of scorn, if we step back, danger steps in.

Why Are People Warning About The Looming Danger of Indoctrination?
Because the danger of indoctrination is inevitable.
That’s right, there is no way to escape it.
The question is not whether indoctrination will happen, or whether it should.
Indoctrination WILL happen. That’s absolute.
If you’ve listened to the advice that you shouldn’t try to make spiritual choices for your child, then you are preparing them to walk right into a trap.
You may think I’m exaggerating, but I’m not.
What Is Being Planned:
The shocking and embarrassing materials that will be presented to very young children as a part of their curriculum are inappropriate and indefensible.
Here’s the awful and graphic content I warned you about. You’ll see that I simply cannot even spell out all the t*rrible words here.
I’ll tell you what happened. It’s not a federal program, or a foreign thing. It’s a local community’s school board. Yeah: For a county. Elected and appointed officials over a school district (in Nebraska). Here’s the summary, and then a link to the whole article.
A local school board attempted to incorporate a plan whose new standards would have taught
- gender identity in the first grade,
- transgender hormone therapy in the fifth grade,
- sexual orientation in the sixth grade,
- or*l and an*l sex in the seventh grade, and
- abortion in the eighth grade.”
So where did this ‘education’ come from? A little investigation revealed the truth. A former Planned Parenthood employee and a Friends of Planned Parenthood board member personally connected the Nebraska Department of Education “with national activists to draft the state’s sex-education curriculum.”
Here’s the article on this indoctrination, published by Family Research Council. I really want you to read it — either now, or after you finish.
One more on federal hidden agendas and funding: Are you hearing more about Critical Race Theory (CRT)? It’s embedded in the social justice-themed Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) in public schools. School systems flush with COVID relief cash are permitted to spend that money on SEL programs.
Read the article on the loss of local control and the hidden agendas and funding, also Family Research Council.
These things are brazenly wrong.
How can good sense be ignored?
Ask a person who tried to protest the inappropriate nature of the sexual education: A retired pediatrician raised all kinds of red flags about the material, warning, “This is exactly the type of graphic material that a pedophile would use to groom a young child to be their next victim.”
Her observation was deemed unimportant. Her warning was dismissed.
Why was her objection dismissed?
A reasonable person, like you, can make a guess that this group has an opinion that pedophilia is not a danger.
Let me ask you something? When did our local elected school board become no longer “us?” I’m asking why suddenly it’s “us” against “them” instead of “us?”
Government Education Is Experiencing a Takeover
What are the policy makers doing? Those helpful people who advise you to withhold spiritual teaching?
They will be busying themselves with their own task.
They will introduce graphic sexual acts to your elementary-school-age children in the presence of their peers. They will deliver the photographs, description, instruction, permission, and explanation to your child. Without your knowledge.
They will answer your child’s questions according to what they decide is acceptable.
Your daughter will be seated next to another mother’s son as this takes place.
If you object, it is possible that security forces will remove you from being present to protest at your local school board meeting. That’s right. The Federal Government wants the FBI to secure this agenda and use their force to restrain the parents.
Make. It. Stop.
Moms, dads, grandparents: We need to get our heads out of the sand.
Our nation is following a carnal trend. The hedonistic desires of a selfish generation raise an idol of sexuality, especially deviant sexuality, as their god. They do not know how to blush.
The determination to pursue the worship of this false god is manic. The radical progression is unrelenting.
Nudity and near-nudity are appearing regularly in public and on television. Addiction to pornography is a national crisis. Completely unacceptable practices and language elicit no more than a shrug. It has become commonplace. They do not know how to blush.
Some time ago, I attempted to settle a difference with research. It was about sexual sin. I did find what I needed. There was truth, but it was a lot harder to find than the lies.
I learned way more than I wanted to, and I was deeply saddened at the most disturbing aspect of the whole thing:
The recruitment process.
That’s right.
There is an agenda, there is bait, there is a method, and there is a capture. There is enthusiasm, support, devotion, and money. You don’t see it, do you? But it’s there. Like dark and dangerous mold under a shiny white house.

So tell me:
What Will We Do About the Danger of Indoctrination?
Will you leave your children to take the bait?
Will you be silent about the most important thing?
Will you wait, to “see what happens” and respond after the fact?
I’m asking those questions in a hard voice.
Because I saw a glimpse of the looming danger of indoctrination.
You’ve seen it too, haven’t you?
So what do we do?
We are discouraged, disheartened, and disengaged. We are told we can’t do anything.
Is that true?
Here’s a question:
Who Has The Power To Indoctrinate?
It must be the majority, right? Or the wealthy? Well, let’s look.
If the despised “1%” wealthy of the nation present such a threat to the rest of us, then a small portion of people can be powerful, right?
If the small percentage of LGBT Americans (estimated at 4-6%) can introduce and enforce these policies, then a small portion of people can be powerful, right?
One more question:
What’s the percentage of Christians in America?
I confess: I did not know. And the statistics are not easily utilized here.
It is reported to be somewhere between 35-65%, depending on the details (which are important).
So what are we doing?
Well, first, we need to acknowledge that our group is a lot bigger. Even if our number is 35%.
And we need to know what not to do.
What we DON’T have to do is get in front of the train. That’s not our job.
But we cannot leave, or be silent, or wait.
We can speak up, speak out, and speak truth. And we need to figure out exactly how to do that.
There are two simple first steps, in answer to the question of what to do.
The first easy answer:
Indoctrinate your own children. Infuse their hearts with the Gospel. Prepare their minds for good. Create a Biblical worldview.
It is not complicated, but it takes some effort. And it is necessary.
Because indoctrination absolutely will happen. Yours, or theirs.
The second easy answer:
Call on the power that we have. We are children of the king.
We have access to Him. He hears us, because He is our Father.
Calling on that power may seem mysterious, or even ineffective. But it is neither.
Do you know what happened in Nehemiah 9? The people were at a turning point. It was time to change the tide, to return to the Lord and call on His power.
“They stood in their places and confessed their sins and the sins of their ancestors. They stood where they were and read from the Book of the Law of the Lord their God for a quarter of the day, and spent another quarter in confession and in worshiping the Lord their God.”
Read the whole chapter if you want, but remember the focus:
- Read your Bible.
- Confess your sins.
- Worship the Lord your God.
Maybe you don’t see the connection.
Maybe you don’t see how those three things have a direct effect on our lives and on the circumstances of government and society.
I get that. Because we get trapped in a very limited human thinking.
But then we remember… God.
What is it that you think God cannot do?
Because in your hopelessness, subconsciously or consciously, you do not have an expectation.
Here’s a really hard question:
How did you decide that a person, a group, or a movement will have victory over our God?
It is a normal reaction to feel shock and dismay. It is even a normal reaction to feel helpless.
But as God’s people we must move from feeling to knowing, and from knowing to doing.
Want to know something about me? I never start a sentence with “God can’t.” I just don’t. And if you do, I’ll assume the rest of the sentence isn’t true. That’s just how I keep it straight: That God can.
We must step into trusting the God over the universe. No person, group, or movement will have victory over our God.
We have to acknowledge that our Father wants to rescue His children.
Would you like to get a picture of rescue? Stay tuned. It’s what we will talk about next time. The One who rescued us. The One who will rescue us.
In fact, in the next chapter there is no hand wringing, no looking back at evil. You’ll see.
(Are you tired after reading this? I sure am. If you missed the previous articles and you’re a little blindsided today, try reading the first two topics on indoctrination to get your footing.)
Here are the first two posts:
Is Indoctrination Good or Bad?
And once more I am presenting the books I would recommend if you want to address the danger of indoctrination.
Michael Youssef, in Hope for This Present Crisis:
“The message of the kingdom of God won’t win any popularity contests. But it is the truth, and we need the courage to defend God’s truth boldly and without compromise. We must stop chasing after the approval of this fallen world. Jesus never compromised the truth to win people over.”
Voddie Baucham in Fault Lines:
“I wrote this book because I love God more than life, the truth more than others’ opinion of me, and the Bride of Christ more than my platform. My heart is broken as I watch movements and ideologies against which I have fought and warned for decades become entrenched as the highest and most respected levels of evangelicalism. I want this book to be a clarion call.”
Ginger Hubbard, author of Don’t Make Me Count To Three: Through personal experience and the practical application of Scripture, Ginger Hubbard encourages and equips moms to reach past the outward behavior of their children and dive deeply into the issues of the heart.
Owen Strachan, author of Christianity and Wokeness:
Editorial review: As the ideology of wokeness spreads like gangrene throughout many churches, we need men who will stand and speak the truth in a way that is able to win minds and hearts. Owen Strachan delivers on this great need in his latest book. With the mind of a scholar, Owen defines wokeness with great care and addresses the serious nature of its worldly ideology.
A time will come soon when every person must choose.
This series is to remind you of that truth, and to urge you to prepare yourself as you take your stand. To put on the full armor of God.
As we watch the world and its love for sin rise up before us, we know that God’s glorious Church will arise.
And that’s you and me, right?

This has been such a release, writing this series. Finding a place to lay down all the troubling thoughts that keep coming up. Also to recognize the trends and the lures that call us away from the journey.
Series, #1: Is Indoctrination Good Or Bad?
Series #2: Have You Been Indoctrinated?
Series #3: The Looming Danger of Indoctrination. (What you read today)
Series #4: The End Of The Matter.
Today, I hope you are concerned, and even troubled, because you were here.
Today, I hope that you speak to someone about this. I hope you open a discussion about the danger of indoctrination.
Today, I hope you read your Bible, confess your sins, and worship the Lord your God.

What’s the tip of the week?
You already know. Read your Bible, confess your sin, and worship the Lord your God.
Get serious about your own personal revival.
- If you have relaxed,
- If you have strayed,
- If you have been distracted,
Return to the Lord.
Because it’s the most important thing.
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Great message. Indoctrination is inevitable. The question is–Who’s teaching? “As for me and my house…” Just as I would not dangle my children over a den of hungry lions or a frenzied swarm of feeding sharks, I would not place them in the cesspool of wrong teaching. Ideas have consequences. Our job is to teach and train our children. If that job is delegated (outsourced), the responsibility of parents is not removed. They’re still our children, and the buck stops with us. We can’t control outcomes, but we can control our own actions. Teach, trust, pray, repent, receive more grace, continue on.
Amy, what you have said — That is the heart of the matter, isn’t it? Your comparisons are so on target. Thanks for saying it exactly that way. Passive parents may claim they are just relaxed. But unfortunately passive instruction is worse than no instruction — because that empty seat for the instructor will be filled by someone. Thank you for reading, and for helping to encourage people to see this important truth clearly.