March 11, 2022
Give a meaningful baby gift that’s personal, practical, lasting, and meaningful. This one brings joy to all. No more searching. It’s right here. The ultimate baby shoe gift.

The Ultimate Baby Shoe Gift
Mom, how can you honor your daughter in a meaningful way as she becomes a new mom?
Grandmother, what’s the perfect gift for your yet-to-be-born grandchild?
Sister, how can you really honor your new niece or nephew in a lasting way?
Friend, how can you give practical help to a new mom, something that continues to bring joy for a whole year?
What if one awesome gift could supply
- something practical,
- something spiritual, and
- something lasting?
What about a gift that is
- infant appropriate,
- expecting-mom-pleasing, and
- completely personal?
A “heritage” gift that could even be repeated for the next grandchild? Something you could tailor to your situation?
Sounds perfect, right? And unattainable. Because you’ve already racked your brain, called friends, and searched the web.
You don’t want to give something that’s a waste, and you don’t want the sentiment to be lost.
You want to honor this new life in a worthy way with a gift that continues to be enjoyed month after month.
Sit back and read! Because I’ve got an idea for you that can be repeated, adjusted, and shared.

I don’t always appreciate suspense, and maybe you don’t, either. So let’s don’t waste any time.
- I will describe the overall idea.
- Then I’ll tell you exactly how to do it.
- I’ll give you the detailed cost breakdown.
- I’ll show you exactly what to buy to assemble your gift.
In a nutshell,
The ultimate baby shoe gift is a generous set of 5-10 pairs of shoes in graduating sizes.
Each pair is packaged nicely within the larger container, and each is accompanied by a single printed Scripture that mentions feet, steps, or path.
Five to ten Bible passages to pray over this new baby’s future, and five to ten pairs of shoes, something to look forward to for the first few years of growth.
When I did this a number of years ago, each pair of shoes was placed in a small acrylic box with a lid. As the shoes were used, the box became storage for something else, or a drawer divider, etc.. The Scripture card from the shoe box could be kept by Mom or Dad in a good “reminder” place – a bulletin board, the kitchen window, etc., to pray daily over the baby. It actually becomes a memorized Scripture. But that’s a story for another day.
Let me show you how it looked for the recent surprise:

Here’s what you do to prepare the presentation of your baby shoe gift:
Five tasks that are completely achievable. And I’ll show you each of the products I used.
1. Get the Scripture printable.
Go to my Etsy Store, Grammye’s Front Porch, and find the Scripture Prints: Feet, Paths, Steps printable. You’ll get the set of Scriptures that can be printed and cut apart. Each single Scripture will be attached to one of the boxes.
They can also be printed or saved as a single page for Mom or for the giver of the gift. Card stock is ideal for this project. There are several different versions to suit your preference, and all the instructions for printing come with the package.
Now, start shopping!
2. Find 5-10 pairs of shoes, baby and kid sizes, at whatever stores you like.
Check out seasonal clearance items, and try to vary your selection. I’d recommend starting with size 3 or 4 toddler, not newborn (just because newborns don’t really wear a lot of shoes).
Make your selections over time until you’ve accumulated enough to make the gift. Here’s the thing: If you wind up with some extras, they will get used! And don’t worry too much about the sizes. If you skip a size number it really doesn’t matter.
We’ll talk about the cost in a minute.
But here’s a hint: The place to really focus your “deal-finding skills” is on the purchase of the shoes.
Here’s one more hint: Keep a list in your purse or on your phone, to keep track of what sizes you’ve purchased. Each time you get a pair of shoes, make a quick note of the style and size.
You still have just a little more shopping to do.
3. Start looking for 5-10 containers.
You’re looking for something affordable enough that purchasing several won’t break the bank. The Container Store formerly had the perfect acrylic lidded boxes, just the right size for baby and toddler shoes. Surprisingly, they were called “shoe boxes.” And they no longer seem to sell them in kid sizes.
Check out their other products, as well as Walmart.
Also try the storage/housewares section of some of the department stores. I wanted my containers to be identical, but you may find that using different styles works better for your intentions.
I love the photo boxes that you can buy at Michaels or Hobby Lobby. But even at the sale price I realized it could drive up my total cost.
Whatever you decide, here’s what’s important: They all need to work with your next purchase: The large container.
4. You need one large container to hold the collection.
Start looking at hampers, bins and boxes. The first time I assembled this gift, I ended up using a cute cloth hamper/bin that is still being used after 8 years! On the next round, I used a tall plastic hamper.
When selecting your individual shoe containers and the large bin to put them in, it helps to know how many individual containers the large bin will hold. The hamper illustrated in today’s post holds 5 of the individual containers. And five pairs of shoes is definitely adequate and will make a great gift.
You can see how it helps to give a lot of thought to the final product before you actually make your purchases.
When you’ve gathered all your goods, it’s time to put it all together!
5. Now, assemble, and decide how you’ll decorate the gift.
This is always the fun part, right?
You’ll set aside the store shoe boxes, and place each pair of shoes into one of the boxes you purchased.
Now, attach one of the Scriptures. Use decorative tape, glue stick, or glue dots. Whatever works.
Then decorate the box.
Finally, all the boxes will stack neatly into the larger container and you’ll attach a bow, flower, card, or whatever you like to the outside.
(If you like, you can enclose a single sheet of the Scriptures in the gift that contains all the verses. You can also keep a second sheet for the giver.)
Start thinking about useful baby items: Pacifiers, socks, hair bows, etc. These make really nice embellishments for your gift.
What if I describe what I did, and then show you some pictures?
Here’s how I did it:
This time I decided to to decorate the lid of each individual box, and then add a nice bow to the large container.
First, I found great individual boxes, a super affordable option at around $2 each. I considered a lot of options, and ended up delighted with the clear lidded boxes to showcase each pair. They were easy to “dress up” to fit the occasion.
It was easy to find a tall plastic hamper for less than $10. It took almost no time to weave some ribbon between the openings and attach silk flowers. I toyed with the idea of a canvas container also. This time, though, I felt like my little boxes would fit perfectly in this plastic hamper.
I grabbed some fake flowers off the clearance aisle for $1.50. I tried them out with the bow in different ways until I was happy.
I used some ribbon I had at home.
Also, I had a small collection of washi tape that helped me with attaching the Scripture cards to the lids.
All that was fun, and it was looking really nice. Still, it wasn’t quite “cute” enough.
I found some baby headbands on clearance. Each 3-pack cost only $2.50. Those baby headbands fit perfectly around the lids, which still easily snapped onto the boxes. Genius, right?
(Are you catching on to my favorite designer, Clearance, yet? He has a rack in almost every store.)

That’s about it. You do those things, and you’ve got a great gift to present to your daughter (or daughter-in-law, or close friend) at her baby shower or whenever you like.
The pictures here show the cuteness of the gift.
But there’s something else that isn’t in the photos — the moment when it’s given. I’ll tell you about that in a second. But let’s don’t skip the COST.
What will this baby shoe gift cost? I’ll tell you everything right now.
According to the information here using my product recommendations, you’ll spend around $20 for the collection of individual boxes, under $10 for the tall hamper, $5 for the printable Scripture cards, and probably under $10 for the embellishments.
With all that, the cost is $45 for the containers/packaging. But every single thing is useable (and useful!). So it’s absolutely a part of the gift.
And now, the shoes. You’ll be surprised at how smart you can be about shoe shopping. Take advantage of those buy-one-get-one-free specials. Frequent the clearance section in each of your favorite stores for discounted shoes, and just pick up what you like when the price is right.
Kids’ shoes are expensive, often in excess of $40. I set my limit at around $30 for the top price I’ll pay for any of the shoes. Most of the time it’s way less. I’ve found them for less than $10. Hey — what if you could round up 5 cute pairs of shoes for $10 each? That would be great! I haven’t been quite that lucky.
Quick calculations say the shoes could set you back $50-$300, which is a huge range. Again, it depends on how many you’re wanting to assemble into the gift, and the cost for each pair.
That shoe estimate is in addition to the $45 for the containers. When you consider the whole picture, it would be hard to put this gift together for less than $100. (But if you did it I’d be so impressed!) I’ll put some links below to help you with the basics.
How you prepare the gift depends on your budget, your personal preference, and your determination to find those deals.
Buying the shoes over a long time was helpful to me — each time I was shopping I just cruised through the aisles to see what they had, and most of the shoes came from those unexpected discoveries.
You can see the place to focus your budgeting attention is on the shoes themselves.
Here are a few pictures of items you will need to purchase to get you started.
(Visit my Etsy shop for those printables.)

Maybe you’re wondering…
How did this baby shoe gift even come to be?
Almost by accident! Just because of a little passion I have.
My passion: I love baby shoes. A lot. I love kid shoes. So preparing this gift was just a fun project for me, something I enjoyed. Sharing those Scriptures was also fun.
The idea of praying for a baby’s steps/paths was exciting.
All this just kinda fell into place the first time I did it.
I’ve repeated this gift several times now. You know what the mom told me later?
It was so helpful to have those shoes ready. On a day when the old shoes were just too tight (which seemed to happen suddenly), there was the next size waiting to be used.
What I didn’t anticipate was how well received it was in the moment. Expecting Mom was delighted that day. And she was happy for a pretty long time, having shoes always ready for the next stage.
And something else happened: The ladies at the shower really flipped over the gift. The unexpected variety of cute shoes, the storage containers, the Bible verses, it was so well received. Those ladies made me feel like a million dollars that day. They ended up reading the Scriptures out loud, and encouraged me to somehow share the idea, maybe an Etsy shop. So now, 8 years later, I’m ready!
Girl Gift? or Boy Gift?
You may have noticed some details; I prepared my gift with girl shoes. This time.
But that first time, it was boy shoes. It’s easy to make that switch in your embellishments. Just come up with a theme — nautical, trucks, sports, construction, or maybe just a good color combination. Use whatever seems best for your little person.
You could use small toys, colorful socks, washi tape, or scrapbook stickers to adorn it for your little guy. You might tie a little Hot Wheels car to each box with ribbon or twine. Whatever you know will add that personal touch.
I wrapped the the bands around the lids this time, but in the past I used a ribbon tied around the whole box.
One more detail you may see in some of the images — I bought shoes in pairs this time. Pairs of pairs. Because these babies came as a set. That’s right, twin girls. For a Grammye who loves baby shoes, I have had so much delight in putting this together.
Now that you have the gift tutorial behind you, let me tell you about two things I’d mention if we were really sitting on the porch together right now. And I’d be excited when I said it.

Let me share two shoe websites that are amazing in different ways.
First, the best most amazing shoe store for kids ever: Coggins Shoes. I’ll show you one of the images of the shoe store, with a link to their site.
There’s no downside to this store. The perfect blend of self service and knowledgeable service. A huge selection of styles and sizes, and a clean and well-designed setting for an ideal shoe-shopping experience for you and your child. You’ll get expert help if you have any kind of fitting issues you want to address.
If you are anywhere near the Atlanta area, please visit this store. I’m certain they don’t even know who I am, but I haven’t forgotten them. When you are treated well as a customer, you remember it.
So that’s the first thing, the shoe store.
The second link is to a topic called Baby Shoe sizes: What you need to know.
This is a brief, direct, and helpful article covering how to check shoe fit, with plenty of tips for selecting appropriate shoes. Also a chart to give the general idea for size in relation to age.
Reading over this was really a big help in planning my gift.
So, you read the topic. And you know the truth:
I just gave you the best baby shower gift idea in the history of Earth.
5 clearly defined steps to giving the perfect baby gift.
You can go to my Etsy store right where you’re sitting, right this minute.
Then get those keys, and start shoe shopping!

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Are you on Pinterest? That is a crazy fun place! You can find so many helpful things. Take a look at what I’ve saved for you! A lot of things that never make it to the blog. Here are my Pinterest pins, and I also have categories/boards if you’re looking for something specific.


I’m Grammye, and I’m collecting and sharing ideas that can help you embrace the life you have.
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What’s the tip of the week?
Glad you asked! It’s this:
Always make an effort to reach toward the heart of a mom when she’s just had a baby. Those days are so overwhelming. Loving her through those first weeks is a privilege.
She won’t know what to ask for, but you’ll know what to offer: Practical help, opportunities to rest and reset. Maybe an offer to deliver a meal or pick up something at the store.
And give her something else: A glimpse of the future, thoughts of later, beyond the exhaustion.
I really do hope you’ll try giving The Ultimate Baby Shoe Gift soon. And please let me know about it!
Visit my Etsy shop for these printables. I’m even newer at Etsy than I am at blogging! And your company is welcome always at either place. 💖
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