September 1, 2023
Church “shop talk” can make you feel left out, can’t it?
Here you’ll get a straightforward explanation of what “Gospel” means for Christians, and how to talk about it!

If you’ve ever been discouraged by Church “Shop Talk,” you’re not alone. Maybe sometimes you feel like people are talking over your head.
Seasoned folks throw terms around casually, assuming everyone knows what they know.
And that everyone else was taught with the same language they were taught.
As a new believer, you know you want to come along, to sit with others and learn, but they keep talking in those “religious terms” that you don’t have a good handle on yet.
Please don’t worry. This short series will give you a little jump start. And I’ll give you some resources to find out more.
People aren’t trying to make you feel left out (at least they shouldn’t be).
But it’s like anything else — they just don’t know what you don’t know.
What does “Gospel” mean?
Some of the text from Mirriam-Webster:
- The message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation
- One of the first four New Testament books telling of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- An interpretation of the Christian Message
- Something accepted or promoted as infallible truth, or as a guiding principle or doctrine.

Tim Keller said it this way:
If I had to put this outline in a single statement, I might do it like this:
Through the person and work of Jesus Christ, God fully accomplishes salvation for us, rescuing us from judgment for sin into fellowship with him, and then restores the creation in which we can enjoy our new life together with him forever.
If he “had” to put it in a single statement?
Why was it hard for Tim Keller to summarize the gospel?
What does “Gospel” mean?
It’s a straightforward truth that is simple.
Look it up and you’ll probably find what I found. It can look complicated.
So why does the most important thing seem to be complicated?
The above quote came from an article by Tim Keller, called “The Gospel In All Its Forms.” Reading it was challenging and helpful.
Explaining the Gospel –It sounds like this is the struggle:
Mr. Keller recognized the need for tailoring his message to his audience. Not to change the truth, but to acknowledge ahead of time the natural resistance a certain group might have to the message.
Resistance. Not exactly what would have come to mind.
In reading what he described, I began to see why we find so many different statements and summaries.
And I was reminded of the presence of four different Gospels in the Bible to give us the history of the life of Jesus.
Why four? Each was created for a certain audience.
The story is the same; the delivery is different.
🤔 I’ll be honest:
This isn’t something I think about automatically.
And I should.
Why? Delivery is important.
The truth is there, but the audience must be given an explanation that transcends any barriers — language, culture, fear — all those things which might prevent them from hearing it.
There is one message, but the ears are different.
Think of these:
The gospel presented to four-year-olds will sound different when it is examined in a seminary class.
The gospel repeated to believers falls on eager ears. But when the audience is steeped in violence, drugs, and hatred, there is a resistance that must be overcome.
People who have experienced a spiritual victory over sin can easily explain salvation, but those still in the darkness are unable to see beyond their own agony.
With this in mind, you begin to understand why you don’t find a straight answer when you start searching.
Something else important that we have to remember…
Google gives everyone all the answers. It’s up to us to remember who we are, and why we are seeking information.
There is value in online searches. I do them often. But we have to remember that Google has no moral obligation to present us with truth. Google simply finds for us the most relevant published content to match our question. That’s Google, doing its job.
So, first we search for resources, then we search for answers.
Resources for faith-based truth must come from a more narrow source.
Good examples include:
Crosswalk, Open Bible, Bible Gateway, Desiring God, Crossroads, and many more.
These resources really help me, and I have trustworthy teachers who lead me.
But we don’t have to be looking on Google. We can go straight to the most truthful thing we have:
The Bible.

The Bible is all about the gospel. Everything in the Old Testament looks forward to it. Everything in the New Testament reflects back on it.
Not sure where to start?
You can read a number of excellent single Bible verses that summarize the truth of the gospel.
Here are a few:
John 3:16:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Romans 6:23:
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
1 Corinthians 15 3-4:
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.
Reading single verses can be affirming and helpful. Especially if you’re doing memory work. But reading entire chapters or books is what really gives you the message best. In fact, reading the Bible is the very best way to hear directly from God.
And not talking about the “let it fall open and point” method. Talking about going back again and again, reading more, to let you realize God does speak to you.
Some would tell you to read 1 Peter, or 1 John, 3 John, or Ephesians. And they wouldn’t be wrong. That’s a great place to start, and see where your own questions take you from there.
But still, today is about this one thing, knowing what “the gospel” really means.
So let’s have it:
What does “Gospel” mean?
It means “Good News.”
It means that Jesus died so that you can be forgiven. It means it’s true for you, and true for all believers. It’s true for all who come under the cross of Christ. It’s one thing we all agree on, and without that, we can’t agree.
For all of us, it’s good. And for those who haven’t heard, it’s news.
But we gotta remember:
It’s more than a short expression to repeat.
To make it real,
You acknowledge that the gospel was for you.
God saw you and rescued you by providing a sacrifice that pardoned you and secured salavation which is eternal life for you.
When you slow down (which I almost never do) and really really dwell on that…
Well, I don’t know about you but…
It always stops me in my tracks.
That God knew my name before time began, that he knows my tomorrows even when I haven’t figured out today, and that he claims me to be with him for eternity.
And then, when you realize the Gospel is for you, you understand the importance of what God has done.
And you share the good news. Because you just can’t help it.
Ready to Share The Gospel?
I’m no street preacher, you say. I’m no authority. And besides, I’ll just drive people away if I try to force-feed them the Bible.
You wonder how that “share” happens, right?
Why wouldn’t it be a little scary, to introduce such a big topic into an ordinary conversation? We all know to button our lips in certain circumstances when we think of discussing sin, salvation, sacraments, superstition, and so on. We don’t want to be all judgy.
We might lose our argument, our job, our friend, or something else.
Why wouldn’t it be scary, to approach total strangers and ask about their personal lives, exposing their secrets and frowning on their choices?
Be relieved, because those things aren’t required.
While the Gospel is the only way that leads to salvation, it’s not necessary to deliver it into your friend’s life on a rocket.
You don’t have to go crashing into someone’s moments like a note on a rock.
While some have great success doing so, for most of us it’s better in a more gentle approach.

Gentle and Respectful Sharing of the Gospel
It’s not so much about being loud. It’s more about being ready.
You love Christ and what has been done for you, and you’re ready to share it when asked.
How do we know this is an “okay” position?
Easy answer:
1 Peter 3:15 (NIV)
“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.“
Now, that’s better — A gentle respectful answer.
If the task is preparing that kind of “share,” we don’t have to be afraid.
We just need to talk about our own story. And who better to tell your own story than you!
Whether it’s a dramatic rescue, a new revelation, or a calm assurance of God’s presence, we all have something to share.
Wherever that discussion leads you, be prepared to gently answer (with respect). Or, to plan to explore together.
Anticipate just a few questions, and be prepared.
- Suggest a book or chapter of the Bible to read.
- Keep a few Scripture bookmarks in your purse or on your desk at work.
- Really engage with others when they are struggling, and invest in comforting the people you see in distress.
- Mention meaningful truths that have encouraged you when you felt like complaining or giving up.
Simply showing up with kindness, these are all simple ways to gently deliver the good news. Not on a rock or a rocket, but on a slow walk from shadows into sunlight.
Sometimes that good news takes more than a sentence to reach someone. It takes kindness, caring, and preparing the message for a particular person in a particular situation.
And you will be delighted to find other ways to share the Gospel just by searching for exactly that.
Here’s one:
From Dare2Share:
Sharing the Gospel with someone is like taking them on a journey through the story of the Bible. This journey can be explained in a six-letter acrostic that spells out the word GOSPEL.
GOD created us to be with Him. (Genesis 1-2)
OUR sins separate us from God. (Genesis 3)
SINS cannot be removed by good deeds. (Genesis 4-Malachi 4)
PAYING the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again. (Matthew-Luke)
EVERYONE who trusts in Him alone has eternal life. (John)
LIFE with Jesus starts now and lasts forever! (Acts-Revelation)

Once you slow down, dwell on the gospel, the good news… Once you really think about the places around you that this news is absent…
You’ll see the great need. You’ll see opportunities to share. After all, what good would “news” be if it didn’t get told?
Knowing about The Gospel
This topic was meant to make the word “Gospel” something you will discuss. Something that is woven into your being as certainly as your DNA.
Something that doesn’t seem blundering, or intimidating, or secret. Because that’s the last thing Jesus would want, right?
The Gospel is beautiful, comforting, and shareable.
Remember what to dwell on:
God saw me and rescued me by providing a sacrifice that pardoned me and secured salavation which is eternal life for me.
It’s the most important thing. Something that was talked about straight from my heart in earlier topics.
If you still aren’t clear, or you wanted a more practical explanation, take a look at those:
What About People Who Announce and I Can’t Believe He Would Do That.
What do you do now?
Well, if you’re a new believer, you relax a little. Because you know exactly what “gospel” means. This is one more concept you can be comfortable with.
If you’re talking to a new believer, you can slow down and be sure you’re not slipping into Church “shop talk” that hasn’t been fully explained.

If any of this sounds familiar, it may be because one year ago I mentioned “shop talk” for the first time, in Why Is My Worldview Important. So if you got a little “hey, I think I remember this” feeling, it was real. 😉
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“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”
1 Peter 3:15 NIV

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