January 25, 2025
Eager for the beginning of Spring? Me, too! And it’s almost here. The official first day of Spring is Thursday, March 20, 2025. At 5:01 am. But there’s another answer, too!

When Is The First Day of Spring?
The first day of Spring is March 20, 2025. It’s the “vernal equinox” and marks the beginning of the season of Spring. This is how farmers measure the seasons, by the tilt of the earth.
However, I learned something interesting.
There is also a “meteorological spring” which begins March 1 and lasts three months. Weather forecasting records are evenly divided into four seasons, but determined by the calendar instead of the tilt of the earth and the equinox.
( So whether you’re a weatherman or a farmer, I hope you don’t miss the party March 1. And if you’re neither, you’ve still got time to buy your pointy hats and paper horns.)
Where am I getting this? From a great article called CELEBRATE THE VERNAL EQUINOX AND THE START OF SPRING! at almanac.com.
That was actually a really helpful article, probably the best explanation I’ve found for answering questions about the dates, equinox, and systems we use.
If you’re doing any talking to children or 💖grandchildren, it’s a great resource for conversation starters.
Spring is always my favorite. The days are getting longer, plants are greening up, flowers blooming, birds singing.

Who Decides The Seasons?
From all that “sciency” talk above, some people might think it’s farmers and weather forecasters.
But we know better, don’t we?
Farmers know best — Humans don’t control the seasons, the weather, or what is to come.
He changes times and seasons;
he removes kings
and sets up kings;
he gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge
to those who have understanding.
Daniel 2:21
God directs it all. Seasons, leaders, everything.
He even directs what we think we invented.
What Do You Think God Says About Our Discoveries?
Discoveries, right? After all, we aren’t inventing things — we’re discovering them. Nothing could be invented if God didn’t think of it first.
What do I mean?
Here’s a great example:
The Human Genome Project lasted from 1988 (when it was conceived) to 2003 (when the results were published). I had high-school and college-aged daughters who participated in the science community’s celebration at the conclusion of the project.
And it was very exciting. Still, I had to wonder what God was doing during the celebration.
- Clapping hands, wide-eyed, at the “new” information we now had to enlighten him?
I seriously doubt it.
- Or smiling in a fatherly way, as we do when a child finally masters a math concept?
We didn’t invent DNA, we didn’t design it. We discovered the design.
It took 15 years to compose the complete description of DNA.
“DNA is the chemical name for the molecule that carries genetic instructions in all living things. “
[That’s from Genome.gov]
Wikipedia describes it as “a “molecule composed of two polynucleotide chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all known organisms and many viruses.”
A big deal, a huge deal, that science celebrated the discovery of the design of a gene that directs the cells of our bodies.
You heard that, right? Design, Direct.
So it’s kinda funny that now (just twenty years later) we’re racing to erase design, insisting it’s not there. Right after we discovered it was.
Even though there’s proof you’re designed, you’re told you’re not. (You can be whoever you think you are, not who your DNA programmed you to be.)
That’s just not so.
😍 I’m lookin at you, humans.
I thank God for you, and for your design.
I’m looking at how you were designed, how God matched your eyes and your hair, made your beauty something your young could inherit.
And watching a world try to erase that. Of course it can’t be done. But they’re doing a pretty good job of convincing you that it can.
God made you, and I will not argue with you about that.
Design. Did you ever look at pansies really close? Their blooms are called “faces” and the lines that extend out are called “whiskers”. I’m sure there’s more to say, but you can really become fascinated with the intricate design of pansies.
And speaking of faces, don’t you think it’s amazing that the design of our faces is the center of our communication? That’s important!
Look at someone’s eyes today. The intricate design of the iris, all the colors and patterns there. Masterpieces of mosaic art, simply there.
Fingerprints — another unbelievable mathematical miracle. Your ten fingerprints are unique to you. Everybody knows that.
What we don’t think about is that your fingerprints are never repeated in anyone else in the world for all of time. That’s all the people who have ever lived, times ten. And they are the size of a dime.
BTW, Google shows us sites which estimate the number of people who have existed is 117 billion. (That’s over 1 trillion fingers, for the mathematically challenged.)

“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:22 NIV.
The First Day of Spring, and
God’s Intricate and Perfect Design
Spring is our time to “re-set” and view life’s beginnings. Celebrating design.
Seeing the seasons as God’s design keeps our thoughts on him.
I wanted to say it well today, the truth about the seasons, because it’s so important.
But in my “research” I found it said so effectively, I wanted to share it with you.
This lady, AnneMarie at Busy Blessed Women, shows beautifully God’s design of the seasons, both of the world and of our lives.
Her topic is called Seasons In The Bible.
It is so good. Every. Single. Word.
Here’s an excerpt:
“Every change of season should remind us of His sovereign promises, His creative power, and His timetable. God created seasons and they will last as long as the earth remains.”
She’s doing something very effective.
Marveling at the undeniable design before the world.
Proclaiming God’s handiwork. Not defending. Proclaiming.
Proclaiming The Truth
I want you to read her post, and join me in something.
Proclaiming, not defending.
For some reason, the world has believers crying out in defense, arguing for truth, responding to senseless and even perverse claims.
What if our proclamations were so prevalent that it was our statements and beliefs that started the discussion?
Because there’s a lot of crazy talk that I get drawn into these days.
You know what that does?
Somehow I find myself pitching my tent around their platform instead of my own.
Toppling their idols isn’t my job.
God gave me a vantage point, a handbook, and a cloud of witnesses.
And the truth.
So I can have a conversation about the truth without waiting for someone to start a conversation with an untruth. If you think about it, people don’t like to be corrected after they say something. So they’re probably not listening to my protest anyway.
My husband often says the farmers are the ones who have it right. They live their lives, conduct their business, and base their truth on the undeniable facts of creation: Seasons, harvest, procreation, male and female, and more. They understand prayer and blessings, and they understand who is in control.

Celebrate The First Day of Spring
Let’s get focused on Spring, on creation, on the Creator, and on proclamation. Let’s talk about truth, and beauty, and individuality, and morality, and hard work, and kindness. Let’s talk about Christ.
Let’s teach our children about God’s mighty acts as we sit together, or as we travel to places, or at the end of the day when we’re ready to rest.
I wanted to show you something pretty today: It’s a “Perpetual Calendar” created by Suzanna of Wonder-Filled Days. This is a mom who leads her children (and many others) in studies of nature, and shares their experiences and her creations for others. Sometimes I can’t stop looking at her creations.

My friends, even if you have had a long season of discouragement, a time of feeling troubled about many things, I hope we can remember to rejoice in God’s design.
Hoping today’s time together was refreshing for you.
I appreciate your presence here more than you know. Thanks for visiting.
I hope you can take some time every day to allow yourself to marvel at God’s creation, to see something designed and gifted to us, and to proclaim it.

Are you feeling that energy awakening?
Spring is full of activity. The end of school is nearing, Easter celebrations are everywhere, and soon it will be Mother’s Day, then Father’s Day.
If you’re looking for Easter ideas, I’ve got a post for that. And if you’re in that contemplative mood about the lingering pandemic, I’ve got something for that, too.
If you want to start thinking about Mother’s Day Gifts, or Father’s Day Gifts, I’ve got some great gift guides from Valentine’s Day and Christmas and also Minimalist Gift Ideas. Or even take a look at some of the product recommendations from the past.

What’s the tip of the week?
If you didn’t already (February is the best time for me in Georgia), go ahead and remove last year’s finished growth from your plants outdoors. Because your ferns, liriope, etc., will need that old growth trimmed before the new shoots start.
Do you love the little fiddlehead shoots of ferns? All curled up like babies before they emerge?
Thanks to my gardening enthusiast friends over the years, for sharing the love of details and bringing me joy in watching things grow.
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This may be my favorite of your posts so far. Thank you for the Daniel quote. I loved it so much that I printed it and hung it on my kitchen cabinet. Thank you for such a great reminder of all things bright and beautiful.
You are too kind. Thank you for saying all that. It helps me so much to say, “He changes, removes, sets up, and gives.” Instead of being afraid or discouraged. It was actually very uplifting to get all these things on one page: Daniel, Jesus, tulips, baby chicks, and sunshine. 👉 AND, you said “so far” which means 🥰 I’ll see you again soon right here!