This book is now available on Amazon in paperback and E-reader editions. (Choose paperback — it’s in color!)
Like the Easter book that was published in the Spring, this is a great book for parents to read with or to their children.
And it’s my second book!
(You’d think it would be a sequel. But as you can see, it’s a “prequel.”)
Thank you.
Really. Thank you.
Your response to the Easter book was amazing and encouraging.
You know what? Writing this Christmas book has been such a pleasure, a dream come true. Just like the first one. And for a good reason.
Moms, again we are trying to enjoy the excitement of Christmas without going away from Christ. It can be a lot to navigate.
I think we can eat candy canes and still celebrate the birth of our Savior. (But if you forego them I understand. 😉)
You know what I mean.
It’s hard. Keeping Christ at the center. We find ourselves needing to share the Gospel, and coming up short.
The whole Jesus-in-the-manger story just piles in with Santa, The Grinch, and Rudolph. That’s before we even get to Buddy and Kevin and Ralphie.
Even if you opted not to do Elf-On-A-Shelf, or watch movies, or… or something else. Where would you draw the line?
All these things get us off our game. We feel guilty that so many traditions seem to crowd in and obscure the truth. Or worse, the truth starts to look like all the fables.
But don’t be discouraged — I’m throwing you a lifeline. The words to say in the midst of it all.
The words you remember, the truth you know, and the story you want to tell.
The truth is there and always will be. So get connected again and find the words to discuss Christ with your little ones.
Like an Amazon driver, I love to deliver things that make you happy. I didn’t write the original account, but I did package it for you with a lot of love.
Would you like a sneak peek? 😉 I always do.
…The question that gets answered.
Thinking about Mary’s first night with her baby boy…
…Remembering the prophecy.
The reason for it all…
There’s so much more.
Let these baby animals ask the questions you really want to answer for your children.
Here we are. With another unbelievable opportunity to invite the presses at Amazon to deliver truth to the world.
Order yours. Order a gift. Deliver truth.
Place your order today.
Then when people ask if you’ve started your Christmas shopping, the answer is, “Yes!”
By the way, 😎
I’ve become an Amazon Affiliate. 📣
Some of the links on this page are affiliate links.
I hope this book gets read again and again. I hope it gets wrinkled and dogeared. I hope it belongs in your collection. I hope it’s as natural to pick up as all the other favorites.
Thanks for being here.
Go and get it now (or grab it next time you’re at Amazon).