June 5, 2020
Finally it’s your turn to be heard at Grammye’s Front Porch. Whether you’re an occasional visitor, a new subscriber, or have been hanging around a little longer, tell me what you think.
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It’s your turn to talk!
Take a quick survey below to let me know how the blog is serving you. It doesn’t take long. (And no pressure to participate if you don’t like surveys).
Once you’ve completed it, I’ll have your results. So you don’t have to think about it again.
What’s New at Grammye’s?
Well, I’m just starting to create printables and it’s actually really fun for me. But not being a graphic designer means it takes me a while.
Just for reading this post, I want to offer you a printable, even if you don’t want to participate in the survey. It a memorization tool I’ve been working on recently.
Also, if you’re a subscriber you will notice your e-mail looks a little different. I’ve got a new e-mail provider, just a little more suitable for what I want to offer. (Check your junk/spam mailboxes in case they got misdirected on the first send.)
[pdf-embedder url=”https://grammyesfrontporch.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/SMT-For-Hebrews-4-12.pdf” title=”Scripture Memory Tool For Hebrews 4 12″]

Thank you!
Thank you for visiting, and for any feedback you choose to give.
It’s a Google Survey and takes about two to three minutes to complete. Just scroll through the questions, and click “Submit” when you’re finished.
Your opinion matters, and I am grateful for your presence and your time.
You can always comment on a post, or e-mail me. And I appreciate that so much.
Thanks for being here. I’m hoping your day is especially blessed.
If you’d like to subscribe, it means you get an e-mail notification whenever a new post is up.
Even if you don’t, stop back by in a week or so. We’ll be talking about friendship.